Hamlet, the Prince of Denmark, communicated with those around him with pomp and pathos, using complex turns of phrase and meaningful expressions in his speech A sublime and pompous style is characteristic of VA’s odes Zhukovsky, GR Derzhavin and MV Lomonosov With the help of exquisite metaphors and original epithets, they glorified the reigning persons, Empress Elizabeth, Alexander I and Catherine II, the heroism of the soldiers who died on the battlefield, and love for the Fatherland An elevated style helped poets convey the depth of their own feelings and emphasize the significance of the personality of the person to whom the literary work is dedicated
Gradually, pompous words and phrases went out of use Today they can only be heard in the theater, on the stage of which a historical tragedy or drama is being played out, or during religious services The Church Slavonic language, which is used for prayers and chants, is one of the ways of elevating believers above the everyday life Nowadays, the pompous syllable, which in the old days spoke of a person’s aristocracy, his learning and level of intelligence, practically does not appear in speech An unusual holiday is intended to correct this situation October 17th is the Exalted Day
In O Henry's story “We Tried It and We Convinced It,” two friends argue about how appropriate a stilted style of speech is in everyday life The editor-in-chief of the magazine convinces his friend, an unsuccessful writer, that the sublime tone, these “stupid twists of an outdated provincial drama” should not be used even in stories and essays “People in life, in a moment of mental turmoil, do not fall into heroism and melodic declamation They are simply incapable of this,” one convinced the other
As life has shown, there is a place in it for the manifestation of different feelings and emotions, the use of vulgarisms, colloquial vocabulary and “celestial nebulae” - speech in an elevated style When the editor-in-chief of the magazine, a literate and educated man, learned about his wife leaving him, he cursed like a real cab driver His friend, having read his wife’s note, in which she said that she was leaving him, cried out to God, melodramatically exclaiming about heavenly gifts in the form of faith and love, drained to the bottom of the cup of suffering
As popular wisdom says, grief and happiness go hand in hand Just like the sublime coexists with the ordinary, complementing each other as tradition and modernity, rational and irrational Without contrasts and opposites, ups and downs, our life would be devoid of bright colors and strong emotions An unusual holiday is called to draw attention to this - the Sublime Day