The history of the emergence of people and the development of society is studied by science that arose at the turn of the 18th-19th centuries However, even before our era, attempts were made to understand the place of man in nature, his origin, originality and similarity with other organisms World Anthropology Day, which is celebrated every third Thursday of February, is intended to attract public attention to one of the most important sciences
World Anthropology Day popularizes the science that deals with the study of man - his origin and development, norms of behavior in society, existence in the cultural and natural environment The holiday was established in 2015 by the American Anthropological Association A year later, it changed its status - from a national day to an international one
Anthropology as a discipline dates back to Antiquity The scientist who began to study the spiritual side of human nature was Aristotle In Ancient Greece, for the first time in history, a person began to identify himself as a special object of the real world The philosopher Socrates singled out the problems of the individual as a subject for independent consideration, declaring that it is impossible to know him by the same means as the surrounding reality
In the 18th century Anthropology began to be understood as the universal science of man - his language, culture, psychology and physiology Scientists from various fields of activity contributed to its development The naturalist Charles Darwin substantiated the simial (from Latin simia - monkey) theory of human development, and the physician and naturalist Carl Linnaeus substantiated the biological theory of species Philosopher and economist Robert Tugo put forward the idea of a successive change in the hunting, pastoral, and agricultural stages of the evolution of human society
Anthropology studies the development of human culture in society Scientists observe the behavior of people from different parts of the globe in everyday life After this, using the mechanisms of ethnography, anthropologists describe the customs and traditions of the indigenous people, draw conclusions about the uniqueness of rituals, draw parallels with other cultures, etc
Scientists also predict the future of Homo sapiens According to research by British anthropologists from Oxford, by the year 3000 the average height of people will be about 2 meters, the skin will have a brownish tint, and life expectancy will be 120 years On the Earth of the future, the concept of "race" will disappear Men will have symmetrical faces with angular jaws and athletic figures Women will be distinguished by soft, hairless skin, lush breasts and a harmoniously developed body
According to the observation of anthropologists, due to acceleration (teenagers of the 20th century “grew” by 15-20 cm compared to the youth of the 19th century), the average height of our descendants will be greater than today Modern teenagers have changed their figure proportions - the torso has become narrower, and the limbs have become elongated Along with asthenia, thinning of the skeleton and a decrease in body weight, modern people experience excess weight gain due to a sedentary lifestyle The future will show which of these two scenarios will come true and what the person will look like
Knowledge of anthropology is in demand by philosophers, theologians, teachers, art historians, psychologists and professionals from other areas of professional activity World Anthropology Day promotes increased interest in human science, emphasizing its importance for understanding the prospects for the development of society in the future (evolution, migrations of peoples, degradation, other processes) and obtaining knowledge about the past