Bone density in women decreases with age due to decreased levels of estrogen in the blood Osteoporosis as a result of a lack of vitamin D and calcium is also observed in the presence of somatic diseases, taking certain medications, poor diet and lifestyle Diagnosis of bone resistance to mechanical loads is carried out using X-ray or ultrasound densitometry World Osteoporosis Day, established by the International Osteoporosis Foundation, is intended to draw attention to the pathology, which ranks 4th in prevalence among other chronic non-communicable diseases
The solemn day appeared on the calendar in 1997 In honor of World Osteoporosis Day, marches, seminars, congresses and conferences are held in 90 countries on October 20, at which representatives of the medical community exchange information on the treatment and prevention of the disease Each year the events are dedicated to a specific theme So, in 2001 it became “Bone development in youth”, in 2004 - “Osteoporosis in men”, in 2013 the events were held under the motto “Strong women make stronger women”, in 2015 - “Strengthening bones"
In the first years after the emergence of World Osteoporosis Day, the WHO initiated and sponsored its implementation This and other organizations, government authorities and non-profit public associations draw people's attention to the factors influencing the increase in the number of cases These include urbanization and the aging of the population, and the lack of health care in the form of prevention in developing countries Factors that provoke bone fragility include physical inactivity, a lack of foods that contain a lot of calcium in the diet, and a lack of walks in the fresh air and exposure to the sun
Osteoporosis can be the result of a genetic predisposition, a consequence of rheumatoid arthritis, acromegaly, bronchial asthma, prolactinoma, obesity, thyrotoxicosis, diabetes mellitus and other pathologies People who fall and break bones frequently, use sleeping pills, have poor vision, neuromuscular dysfunction, poor motor coordination and dementia Regular physical exercise will help prevent the consequences of these pathologies, which will restore strength to the muscles and normalize the functioning of the cerebellum
Osteoporosis is one of the socially significant problems According to experts, by 2050 the number of women with a hip fracture will increase by 240%, men - 310% Taking timely measures to prevent the disease and holding educational events for World Osteoporosis Day can reduce the burden on healthcare