Vices are moral defects that poison the life of a person and the people around him But this cannot be said about all negative personality traits Laziness is considered the engine of progress It is human nature to make life easier for oneself in order to save effort in order to achieve results in any field of activity The reluctance to climb stairs led to the invention of the excavator, walking - the bicycle, washing diapers - Pampers disposable diapers August 20 is World Laziness Day
The first talk about celebrating World Laziness Day came in 1984 at the Festival of Industry, Trade and Culture, which was held in Colombia The organizers invited the participants to relax for at least one day and do nothing In countries with a hot climate, nature pushes a person to rest during the day, a siesta, otherwise the body cannot cope with high air temperatures and tropical humidity Therefore, the participants of the festival, held in the Colombian city of Itagui, a city with developed industry, gladly took up the initiative of the organizers Over time, World Laziness Day became an international holiday
World Laziness Day is a hymn to rest and relaxation On August 20, in honor of the holiday, Colombians put on pajamas, take beds out into the streets and hang hammocks After which they lie down in their sleeping beds and demonstratively do nothing all day In Montenegro, in honor of a funny celebration, competitions are held for the duration of stay on the sofas Victory goes to the one who lies on the sofa the longest
Work is not a wolf; it won’t run away into the forest Everyone who celebrates World Laziness Day in Russia remembers the famous proverb The symbol of this vice in literature is Oblomov, the hero of the novel of the same name by IA Goncharova A young nobleman who lived in the mid-19th century spent the entire day in a robe and slippers, being idle and doing nothing Oblomov became a symbol of apathy, stagnation in personal development and laziness not only in Russian, but also in world literature
A Voznesensky dedicated an entire poem to reflections on the topic of laziness Another famous poet, I Brodsky, also discussed this human vice In “The Tale of the Danger of Laziness,” he ironically ridicules one of the seven deadly sins Failure to fulfill duties and the habit of idleness are condemned in Christianity along with lust, anger, envy, greed and other shortcomings
The organizers of World Laziness Day believe that if a hardworking person allows himself to relax and take a break from worries about his daily bread once a year, there is nothing reprehensible in this Therefore, feel free to celebrate the funny World Laziness Day on August 20: get some sleep, turn off your phone and the Internet, go for a massage and other body-relaxing treatments A temporary renunciation of exploits in the workplace is sometimes simply necessary A rested person is the embodiment of harmony: he demonstrates high labor productivity and speed of thinking, radiates calmness and tranquility