Dreams and sincere faith in the fulfillment of desires inspire a person and give him the strength to overcome obstacles on the way to his goal Columbia University teacher Ozioma Egwuonwu once decided to inspire people worldwide and make their lives better On his initiative, since 2012, September 25 is celebrated as World Dream Day According to another version, the origins of the holiday are the fighter for the rights of blacks in the United States, Martin Luther King It was he who coined the famous phrase said in 1963 at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington: “I have a dream”
On September 25, it is customary to meet with friends and loved ones, talk with them about plans for the future and ways to achieve cherished goals Placing the hashtag #WorldDreamDay on social media pages helps to attract attention to the holiday Making fantasies a reality is often hampered not only by objective circumstances, but also by a lack of self-confidence The right attitudes help bring positive changes to life Esotericists and adherents of Eastern philosophical teachings recommend using affirmations to strengthen self-confidence:
1 Every event in my life leads to the fulfillment of a dream
2 I always achieve what I want
3 New opportunities open up for me to realize everything I have planned
4 My green light is on, I can see the right direction
5 I have a huge energy reserve inside me, which I spend on achieving my goal
These and other positive statements should be said regularly to yourself or out loud in a private setting
On the path to your dream you will have to overcome obstacles Achieving a small but important goal for you helps to strengthen yourself and believe in your own strength After all, a big victory consists of many small ones Make a plan to achieve your cherished goal on September 25 and take action World Dream Day is suitable for starting to move in its direction, trying to overcome the inertia of the world around you or people’s rejection of your goals Faith and fortitude can turn your wildest fantasies into reality
World Dream Day is good for helping others make their dreams come true The achievement of other people's goals leads to them receiving pleasure, creating feelings of inner harmony and balance A world in which there are many happy and joyful men and women will transform faster and respond to your positive call than one where despondency, apathy and dull discontent reign
In honor of World Dream Day, symphonic music concerts and performances are organized not only for adults, but also for young spectators The fairy tale “The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio” is one of the works that reveals the theme of achieving a cherished goal and overcoming obstacles along the way World Dream Day encourages adults and children to believe in themselves and take the first step towards a happy future