On November 10, on all continents of the globe, millions of young people celebrate World Youth Day - a holiday that originated on the initiative of young men and women who survived the most terrible event of the 21st century - the Second World War
The holiday date was established in honor of the creation of the World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFYD), a global event that took place in London on November 10, 1945 at the World Youth Conference
The Youth Conference was organized by the World Youth Council, which at that time united more than 30 million representatives of the multinational young generation of the Planet, who were adherents of various religious views, political views, but seeking to overcome fascism through common efforts
The WFDY was also called upon to prevent a repetition of the most brutal war, calling on the youth of the whole world to unite, with a powerful united front to resist the instigators of military conflicts, to fight for justice, equality, and the independence of peoples
The UN recognizes the WFDY as an international left-wing youth non-governmental organization The Federation is active in political activities, helping to strengthen peace In 1959, she supported the USSR proposal for general complete disarmament Initiated the Day of Struggle against Atomic and Hydrogen Bombs
The priority area of activity of the WFDY is the protection of the rights of young people She initiated and actively contributed to the creation of numerous international organizations to provide material support to youth in Latin America and Africa Thousands of students study at universities on WFDY scholarships
The Federation promotes the development of youth contacts in the field of tourism, labor, and helps implement all kinds of solidarity projects
The most important event known to many is the World Festival of Youth and Students The first one was held in Prague in 1949, and subsequently the mass celebration of friendship and peace between the youth of the Planet became a regular event, held every two years
The political and cultural program of the festivals includes discussions, seminars, concerts, and is aimed at creating mutual understanding between peoples of different nationalities and cultures
The internationally useful activities of the WFDY, the first organization in the history of the youth movement that unites youth from all over the world, inspire respect
On World Youth Day, we wish every girl, every boy to remain young and energetic until their most venerable years, but from a very young age to understand that only peace, justice, equality will make all of humanity and each person individually happy
Happiness is within the control of anyone; it’s so easy to make friends with the guys from the neighboring yard, to help someone who is defenseless or deprived of fate Happiness and peace to everyone!
Let us remind you that there is also International Youth Day, which is celebrated annually on August 12, and Russian Youth Day, celebrated on June 27