World Science Day for Peace and Development is celebrated almost all over the world on November 10th The initiative to create such a global event, designed to show the relationship between science, society and the outside world, was first presented at the World Scientific Conference in 1999 The assembled delegates from UNESCO, the UN specialized branch for science, culture and education, decided to celebrate the international day annually, which has been done since 2002
UNESCO regularly analyzes new trends in technology, innovative developments, and most importantly, strives to ensure that countries learn to share the scientific achievements obtained Each year, the main, most relevant theme is chosen for the holiday, which makes it easier to attract the public This helps to best meet human needs and the challenges of the modern world, which have long gone beyond the boundaries of one specific discipline
The UN, in all its projects, always calls for active assistance and participation, primarily at the government level, from specialized research institutes Press coverage, open days, presentations will be able to involve the maximum number of participants
Every person can contribute, and the easiest thing is to visit a science museum or exhibition Such science centers play a significant role in promoting and publicizing the importance of scientific discoveries, thereby ensuring the sustainable development of society as a whole They are able to develop the curiosity of a person, especially the younger generation, and encourage further learning
Exhibitions where you can experience the secrets of science yourself, such as optical illusions and crystal growing, are becoming increasingly popular The combined use of a rigorous scientific culture and an engaging form produces the best results by interacting with other aspects of human culture, including the arts and humanities
And Russia has a lot to offer and show today: interesting thematic museums and exhibitions can be found in any major city For example, anyone interested in space science should visit astronomy festivals, where the latest technologies will be demonstrated You can find exhibitions and presentations in both natural and technical disciplines
You can gain a piece of knowledge in the field of science through lectures and conferences on various topics, prepared in unusual formats The popularization of science ensures an influx of youth and future specialists into high-tech areas of production, which has a positive impact on the development of individual countries
And although science in its pure form does not have an ideology, it can serve as a tool in achieving national goals The main application of science and technology today is the development of healthcare, education, clean energy, climate protection and much more, without which a quality life for every person and a sustainable future for the entire planet is impossible