When we meet someone we know, we always exchange greetings with him At the same time, we can share a smile with a friend or wave our hand, and by inertia we will say “Good afternoon” to an acquaintance with whom we don’t want to communicate After all, all over the world, people are taught the act of greeting from childhood It is difficult to avoid; it occurs in any communication between people, even writing a letter
During the Cold War, relations between Israel and Egypt became tense To defuse the situation, in 1973, two enterprising brothers from the United States, Brian and Michael McComan, came up with the idea of reducing aggression between warring states The idea was to send letters to residents of different countries of the world They contained a kind greeting and a request to send similar messages to ten of your friends So the brothers became the organizers of the Day of Greetings, and chose November 21 as the date
The world liked the idea of Greetings Day so much that now there are about 180 countries celebrating the holiday What made this celebration different was the voluntary wish of health and a good day to the people around us On this day, many influential personalities, as well as those simply wishing to have a good mood, greet close and distant acquaintances And in return come smiles, friendly handshakes, and a positive charge of mood for the day
In a civilized society, there is a certain etiquette when meeting It is common among men to shake hands, sometimes even with a pat on the shoulder, if they are good friends Women just need to smile and nod their heads; there is an unspoken rule between friends to exchange kisses on the cheek If close or dear people have not seen each other for a long time, the meeting begins with a tight hug In military affairs, there is a rule to salute the person with the highest rank But teenagers or team groups come up with unusual greetings, consisting of several extraordinary movements
But different parts of the planet have their own greeting rituals For example, the French, not being very familiar, lean their cheeks against each other as a sign of greeting, kissing the air Residents of Japan join their palms at chest level, making a slight bow Hindus also fold their hands, only at head level Tibetans exchange greeting pleasantries with their tongues hanging out The tribes of the Arctic lands have a tradition of rubbing noses together But Indian tribes show their love of peace by squatting in front of a stranger Some peoples of African countries, to say hello, extend their hand first to the forehead, then to the lips, and finally to the chest
Despite the fact that different peoples of the world have unique customs when meeting, they are united by the desire to wish goodness and all sorts of blessings when they meet International Greetings Day will help not only strengthen relationships between people, but also make gray everyday life a little brighter