World Sketchouting Day is celebrated on January 11th every year It entered our calendar quite recently - in 2016 The holiday is dedicated to sketches, which more and more people around the world are passionate about Sketches are small visual recordings of ideas Simply put - sketches, quick drawings, illustrated notes Sketchnoting is the art of spontaneous, quick drawing
Sketches perform several functions at once, allowing you to:
• acquire or develop quick drawing skills; • express yourself creatively; • visually display and record a spontaneous idea that suddenly comes to mind; • effectively, simply and quickly present your idea to others; • structure, comprehend and remember information (data in the form of images faster are remembered, and also affect our emotional sphere, ie lead to a response)
The practical benefits that sketches bring have already been scientifically proven They really allow you to better remember information, as they simultaneously involve vision, motor skills, thinking and emotions Also, such pictures are optimal for storing data They are also convenient from a practical point of view After all, you can make such a sketch almost anywhere and at any convenient time The work will only take a few minutes and does not require artistic skills It is not surprising that the number of fans of such original and effortless art is constantly growing
Sketches can be divided into basic components:• title (highlights the main idea of the project);• frames (draw attention to the content);• graphic elements (drawings, diagrams, diagrams);• text content (handwritten inscriptions);• markers for creating bulleted lists;• shadows (bring depth to the sketch, making images three-dimensional);• separators (needed to highlight semantic blocks);• arrows (act as connectors of ideas, display the structure of the visualized note)
Not all of these elements are necessarily combined in one drawing The image can be very simple, including only a few details Most sketches are made in one color, since when creating them it is easiest to use what is at hand - a simple pencil or pen After all, this is the very idea of sketches - quick and simple sketches without any complex preparation, anywhere But sometimes you can find multi-color images They can be perceived as a real work of art and are better suited for presenting any idea to others
You can experiment with the structure of the note design Most often it is vertical, linear or radial Also, for those who want to master the art of sketchnoting, it is recommended:
• use templates or someone’s works you like, modify them in search of your own style; • experiment with fonts, look for the most comfortable and visually attractive ones; • practice more often, do this any time the desire arises; • do not be afraid to deviate from the template , try new techniques and tools
Sketches are created primarily for yourself But feedback, interaction with like-minded people and approval are important for every person Therefore, on World Sketching Day, people show off their own creations and look at others, talk about their working methods and learn new techniques Nowadays it is very convenient to do this using social networks Such interaction allows you to express yourself, find like-minded people, expand your social circle and gain inspiration for self-improvement