Myocardial infarction, as well as coronary heart disease and stroke, have become “younger” Previously, they were diagnosed in older men, today - increasingly in representatives of the stronger sex 30-50 years old The risk group also began to include women, whose natural protection should be estrogens, which have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system However, in a modern world full of stress, in conditions of poor ecology, the presence of chronic diseases and bad habits, heart attack has become one of the most common diseases
Cardiac arrest, which occurs after loss of consciousness, leads to brain hypoxia and death As well as ingestion of water or other liquid into the respiratory system Cardiopulmonary resuscitation and CPR skills can save a person's life before the ambulance arrives A firefighter, occupational safety instructors at an enterprise, a school teacher, a volunteer or a random passer-by who happens to be near the scene of the incident can help to get out of the state of clinical death before the arrival of doctors In honor of the procedure, which restores the vital functions of the body, a holiday has been established October 16 is World Start Your Heart Day
The basic procedure is performed without the use of a defibrillator The victim is given artificial respiration, first freeing the lungs, if necessary, from water, and closed heart massage Signs of clinical death are loss of consciousness, lack of pulse in the carotid arteries and breathing, loss of pupillary response to light Resuscitation must begin no later than 4 minutes after cardiac arrest In each cycle of the procedure, chest compression alternates with artificial respiration
During CPR, doctors use high-voltage current pulses that are delivered to the defibrillator electrodes Due to the high level of heart disease in Israel, Great Britain and several other countries of the world, electrical devices for contracting myocardial muscles are available on the walls of bus stops and inside street telephone booths Next to the defibrillator there is a short instruction that will tell you how to help a person without waiting for an ambulance to arrive
World Restart a Heart Day 2013 was initiated by the European Resuscitation Council Since then, CPR training events have been conducted around the world More than 1 million people die every year in the Russian Federation from heart and blood vessel diseases Therefore, in honor of World Start Your Heart Day, every year in our country lectures, webinars, lessons, master classes on cardiopulmonary resuscitation and other events are organized that give a person a chance to survive until medical workers arrive