Autumn is the time to harvest and prepare food Thrifty housewives begin canning and making jam in the summer, completing their efforts by the end of October This month brings a lot of joy to mushroom pickers They bring home full baskets of honey mushrooms, butter mushrooms, chanterelles and boletuses, which they freeze, dry or pickle for the winter In October, the collection of roots and fruits of medicinal plants that save from colds and other diseases during the cold season continues In honor of autumn preparations, a funny holiday was invented - Day of Replenishing Stocks for the Winter, which is celebrated on October 20
Not only people, but also animals have a tradition of preparing for the cold season Squirrels, badgers, chipmunks, beavers and other rodents make provisions for the winter In order not to die of hunger, they prepare cones, nuts, mushrooms, acorns and plant roots Mice and hamsters make grain reserves for the winter The bees fill the hives with honey, which feeds the entire swarm until spring arrives Stoats and weasels store mice for the winter, otters and muskrats store fish, and wood ferrets stock up on frogs
Food canning in the modern understanding of the process appeared in 1795 under Napoleon The commander needed to solve the problem of supplying troops with food that would not spoil under field conditions And he succeeded thanks to pastry chef Nikolai Apper However, long before the advent of sterilization, people learned to preserve food, making it suitable for food for a long time In Ancient Egypt and Greece, meat and poultry were embalmed and dehydrated using soda and salt The neck of the amphorae containing drinks and oil was sealed with resin to prevent air from entering
Today, canned meat and fish are packaged in tins and hermetically sealed This technology appeared in 1820 thanks to the invention of the Englishman Peter Dukan Housewives use glass containers at home, which are pre-sterilized Jars with fruits and berries, assorted vegetables and salads are sealed with lids, and then taken for storage in the basement, cellar or pantry Homemade preparations do not contain artificial preservatives, sweeteners, dyes or other additives Therefore, their nutritional value and benefits for the body are an order of magnitude higher than those of factory canned food
But winter supplies are not only jars of jam, juices, pickled mushrooms and vegetables, as well as firewood for the stove, piled in a woodpile The cold season must be met fully prepared Therefore, for the winter you should stock up on memories of a hot summer, a warm sea, the morning chirping of birds and a fragrant cup of coffee drunk on the porch of a country house To while away the long evenings, a warm blanket, candles, a good book and a glass of homemade liqueur made from berries picked in the garden will do Take the Winter Stocking Day responsibly and prepare everything you need to face the cold, snowfalls and blizzards in the comfort and convenience of your home