On the initiative of the international organization ADI, since 1994, World Alzheimer's Day is celebrated annually on September 21 More than 50 million people suffer from it Senile dementia is most often diagnosed in people 65 years of age and older Memory loss brings a lot of grief, both to neurologist patients themselves and to their loved ones Awareness of the population of different countries of the world about the signs of dementia, the causes of its occurrence and the problems faced by relatives of patients are the main goals of World Alzheimer's Day
The pathology manifests itself against the background of atrophy of the cerebral cortex In this case, there are much more foci of inflammation than in senile dementia This leads to memory lapses, forgetfulness of people and recently occurring events, and disorientation in familiar areas Alzheimer's disease is characterized by difficulties in communication, the inability to care for oneself and the manifestation of other difficulties in human behavior At the late stage of the disease, there is complete loss of memory, passivity, sometimes turning into aggression, and dependence on outside help
Many famous people suffered from Alzheimer's disease - actors Peter Falk, Sean Connery and Ani Girardot, politicians Margaret Thatcher and Nusrat Bhutto, the first lady of Pakistan and the chairman of the People's Party Doctors diagnosed Ronald Reagan at age 83 From that moment on, the former US president resisted the disease for 10 years His wife, Nancy, fought with him against dementia But the disintegration of personality and the development of senile dementia could not be stopped When Reagan was presented with a cake in the shape of the White House for his 90th birthday, the man who served as President of America for two consecutive terms did not understand what this building had to do with him and said: “What does this mean? I’ll have to ask Nancy”
Valery Zolotukhin and Galina Volchek were diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease Margarita Terekhova has been suffering from the pathology since 2005 The actress practically does not recognize her loved ones, her son and daughter, does not speak, does not get out of bed and is under the constant supervision of a nurse
According to one version, the development of Alzheimer's is associated with a DNA mutation that provokes the production of beta-amyloid proteins that have a destructive effect on the brain Scientists also point to a possible genetic predisposition to the disease Measures to prevent it include regular physical activity, which helps deliver oxygen to the brain A proper and balanced diet aimed at reducing blood pressure and the level of “bad” cholesterol helps prevent dementia or delay its onset in old age People who have retired are recommended for mental exercise - solving puzzles or crosswords, playing chess or backgammon Knowledge of 2 or more foreign languages allows you to delay the onset of dementia for at least 5 years
According to statistics in the Russian Federation, Alzheimer's disease is diagnosed in 13-18 million people Every hundredth Russian is a carrier of DNA mutations associated with it Issues of prevention, treatment and assistance to relatives of patients of neurologists and gerontologists are raised annually on September 21 - World Alzheimer's Day