The basis of the philosophical teachings of the Celestial Empire is wu-sin - a five-member structure that determines the structure of the universe According to it, man is a synthesis of 5 elements: fire, wood, water, metal and earth The interaction of these elements ensures harmony of the body and mental state Chinese medicine is based on metaphysical principles and spiritual and energetic practices In addition to drugs made according to ancient recipes, acupuncture, wushu and qigong techniques, diet therapy, cauterization of acupuncture points, massage - tuina, gua sha and other types - are used to treat the patient
Due to a shortage of qualified specialists, a system of teachings and healing practices was created in the PRC in the 1950s based on ancient sources that have survived to this day One of the main ones are the treatises of the reign of Emperor Qin Shi Huang (259-210 BC) In them and other philosophical works, man is considered as a synthesis of yang and yin, an integral part of nature, an organic whole of tissues and organs, internal communications between which is provided by Qi energy flowing along the meridians
Today, Chinese medicine is represented by more than 300 thousand specialists working in 183 countries The annual volume of the global market for services in this field of activity is $50 billion The effectiveness of using ancient techniques in the treatment of diseases of varying severity and etiology has been proven in practice Therefore, the participants of the XV International Conference on Traditional Chinese Medicine, held in Italy, decided to establish a holiday The initiative of scientists from 30 regions and countries was supported by WHO World Chinese Medicine Day is celebrated on October 11 every year
The basis of traditional practices common in the Celestial Empire is not the elimination of the symptoms of the disease, but the eradication of its cause For this purpose, Chinese medicine uses pharmacological agents of plant and animal origin, inorganic substances - mercury, sulfur, etc More than 10 thousand types of medicines are sold on the domestic market of the People's Republic of China, some of which are exported to 160 countries around the world
In the process of treating a patient, herbal medicine is combined with acupuncture, breathing exercises, an-mo acupressure, restrictions on eating excessively hot or cold food, and lifestyle changes on the recommendation of a doctor Traditional medicine of the People's Republic of China is an integral part of the national health care system Doctors' services are available to all citizens of the country Patients have the opportunity to choose between a doctor of traditional or European medicine with its innovative technologies and modern developments If desired, the patient can combine the help of different specialists
In March 2015, the World Federation of Traditional Chinese Medicine, headquartered in Beijing, established official relations with WHO Its chairman She Jing believes that the high effectiveness of methods for the prevention and treatment of diseases is one of the arguments for the introduction of Chinese medicine into the healthcare of other countries So far it is present in the insurance system of 18 countries
Chinese traditional medicine is a clear illustration of the expression: “Everything new is well forgotten old” 14 billion people use ancient methods for disease prevention and therapy The popularization of traditional methods of treatment in China is facilitated by both the adoption of the “Declaration of Rome” on the training of medical personnel, the development of pharmacology and the expansion of the scope of application of medical techniques, and the annual celebration of World Day of Chinese Medicine