November 28 - World Compassion Day is a fairly young holiday; it began to be celebrated only in 2012 I owe my appearance to Pritish Nandi, an Indian journalist, public figure and writer The very first World Compassion Day was dedicated to the problem of humanity towards animals, compassion for all living beings on the planet Activists from different countries gathered in Mumbai, where they discussed the responsibility of people towards each other, as well as towards various forms of life The question of the importance of vegetarianism in society was raised The Dalai Lama took part in the events
The ideology of the holiday is based on the principle of ahimsa, on which the philosophy of Mahatma Gandhi is based In addition, adherents of Buddhism and Hinduism, as well as people who practice yoga, are familiar with it The principle of ahimsa means non-violence in its broadest sense That is, it is a refusal to harm not only people, but also animals and even plants Moreover, any harm - both through actions and words or thoughts The term was taken from the Indian religious movement of Jainism
Compassion Day is a global holiday, but is most widely celebrated in India, the birthplace of Jainism The initiators of the celebration advocate conscious actions to resist violence and cruelty Moreover, they should be directed specifically against evil, but not against the people committing it This is the principle of no hatred Only in this way, in accordance with the ideology of ahimsa, can one destroy evil and hatred throughout the world, and not become involved in its spread
World Compassion Day can be celebrated in the following ways:1 Spread the word about this important holiday This can be done through social networks and in personal conversations with relatives, friends and acquaintances
2 Spend a day as a volunteer at an animal shelter or provide any possible assistance to such a shelter (transport, information, building materials, accompanying charges to procedures at a veterinary clinic)
3 Make a charitable donation to a trusted non-profit organization
4 If your health allows, become a blood donor The main motive for participating in the donor movement is compassion for people
5 Start learning to respect nature, for example, reducing the use of plastic in everyday life After all, plastic causes enormous harm to the environment If possible, you should avoid disposable tableware and bags You can come to the supermarket with your own bag, and in many coffee shops no one is surprised by visitors with their own thermal mug