Lack of awareness of both sexes in matters of contraception and sexual behavior leads to the existence of such a problem as unwanted pregnancy Many representatives of the fair sex try to solve it through abortion, but they do not think about the sad consequences it can lead to
According to statistics, approximately half of all pregnancies are unplanned 40% of them end in artificial interruption at their own request Every fifth abortion is performed by a girl under 18 years of age Of girls under 25 years of age who had an abortion during their first pregnancy, 45% have health complications, and 10% are forever deprived of the opportunity to conceive a child China ranks first in the number of abortions, followed by the United States Russia closes the top three
These numbers are certainly scary One of the main reasons for such high rates is the poor awareness of people of reproductive age (mainly young representatives) in matters of protection against unwanted pregnancy Many young people use unreliable methods of contraception in practice, for example, interrupted sexual intercourse or a calendar method of contraception Others do not think about this issue at all, constantly practicing unprotected sex
Men and women, when engaging in unprotected sexual intercourse, must be aware that, in addition to positive emotions, such intimacy can cause significant harm to health, as well as cause an unwanted pregnancy
The mission of World Contraception Day is to convey to women and men information not only about modern methods of contraception, but also about the health hazards posed by incorrect sexual behavior
Every year World Contraception Day is celebrated on September 26th The holiday is celebrated not only by gynecologists, but also by people who care about health issues, raising the younger generation and family planning
This holiday was first celebrated in 2007 at the initiative of several international organizations involved in family planning The main purpose of the holiday was to protest irresponsible sexual behavior
Traditionally, on this day, educational institutions host thematic conversations and lectures with the younger generation Medical organizations also host seminars aimed at educating patients on this topic Charity concerts and performances are held The events held on this day are aimed at ensuring that every person of reproductive age understands their sexual behavior and understands the importance of using reliable contraception