Cranes all over the world are a special symbol of tenderness and peace Many peoples treat these birds with trepidation - unfortunately, not all types of cranes have survived to this day Due to poachers, there are species that are almost exterminated Fortunately, ornithologists have come up with a way to preserve rare species They lay eggs in the nests of cranes of other species, and they hatch their own and other people's children What a joy it was to watch such foundlings fly away to their winter quarters healthy and unharmed for the first time!
The crane is not just chosen as a symbol of peace During the infamous events in Hiroshima, a photograph of a dead girl holding a paper crane spread around the world The girl wanted to collect a collection of 1000 pieces There is a legend in Japan - if you collect 1000 paper cranes, it will add years to your life, health and happiness Such cranes began to flock from all over the world to support parents and relatives - people sent origami, trying to support the spirit of relatives, and this symbol acquired effective energetic power
According to other eastern beliefs, cranes are the souls of fallen warriors who fly into the sky and look at us from there We also have a beautiful song that tells this legend Be that as it may, the graceful, stately crane bird is not just a feathered creature, its image has been chosen by humanity for many coats of arms and flags - which means it contains a symbol of greatness, goodness and tranquility
In 2002, Eurasia decided to celebrate World Crane Day This day was timed to coincide with the period of the year during which an annual count of birds is carried out as they fly to warmer climes So, every second Sunday of September the world celebrates this day, and then it is customary to popularize the habitat of these birds on our planet Exhibitions, forums, and collections of financial assistance are held for the conservation of rare bird species
Interestingly, the crane is a fairly ancient bird There is archaeological evidence that the ancestors of cranes lived many millennia ago, at the same time as dinosaurs That is, the gene pool of these birds is very extensive and rich The task of people is to preserve it, to preserve it After all, the preservation of the life of every species on our planet is the primary task of humanity It is a pity that not all anthropoids understand this