The initiators and organizers of the annual World Social Work Day were international organizations Among them, the main role in organizing the professional celebration belongs to the International Association of Schools of Social Work and the International Federation of Social Workers The initiative to celebrate the holiday, celebrated on the third Tuesday of May, was supported not only by the International Social Security Council, but also by public and private social institutions, organizations and associations of citizens in more than 90 countries of our planet The Russian Federation did not remain a third party in honoring social workers In Russia, interstate social programs are being implemented and the most professional celebration is being held by the Union of Social Educators and Social Workers of the Russian Federation
Social work carried out at the international level consists of the exchange of experiences and findings between representatives of different countries, as well as structures responsible for social work on a national and regional scale In the process of communication between participants in symposia and conferences, issues of national and interstate social policy and work, the organization of the work of social workers on the basis of international legal norms and standards, as well as the participation of each country in the development of a social orientation in relations between states are discussed
The name of the profession alone indicates its versatility, forcing social workers to cover various groups and categories of citizens The fundamental task of each social service is to ensure, depending on its own capabilities and the policies of the country’s leadership, a certain quality of life that meets a given level through a comprehensive system of social protection and support measures
The need to reach different segments of the population requires a division of the focus of social work For example, for working with children, disabled people, pensioners, low-income and other categories of citizens, programs and methods of their implementation will be different However, each of them is aimed at facilitating their living conditions and helping them overcome difficulties
Every day, and especially on their professional holiday, employees of social institutions, communities and organizations are engaged in attracting government attention and public services to the prevention of social problems and insecurity During this dialogue, issues of overcoming social problems of a social nature are discussed
The organization of symposia, round tables, conferences and various courses at the local, regional, social and international level on every third Tuesday in May allows not only to exchange accumulated experience and solutions found, but also to develop a common program of action in solving problems and implementing socially oriented programs At the regional and state level, this solemn professional celebration celebrates the successes of individual employees and organizations
Considering the complexity of social work, the variety of problems that social teachers and workers are forced to solve, and the individual characteristics of the people with whom they are associated, each person is obliged to help social service employees to the best of their ability After all, each of us may in the future be forced to become their “client”