Our world is developing rapidly every day This is facilitated by progress; the desire of young people to receive education in order to use it in the future for the benefit of society; the latest scientific discoveries in various fields of knowledge People are inventing more and more household appliances, creating new materials, exploring new horizons - both in space and on Earth Over the past hundred years, humanity has achieved enormous successes in medicine, physics, electronics, the agricultural and textile industries, and so on - the list of human achievements goes on forever As for the development of the social sphere, significant successes have also been observed here, thanks to the creation of various organizations aimed at developing society collectively - all over the world Organizations such as the UN, holding international conferences and symposiums, various forums, and other events help unite different states in terms of development in various areas or to combat similar problems in society
On October 24, the United Nations was created, this happened after the end of World War 2 On the same day they also decided to celebrate World Development Information Day - since the day is quite symbolic for improving the world as a whole Development issues and problems were first raised in the 70s of the last century In 1970, the International Development Strategy for the Second United Nations Development Decade was established and approved In order for society to understand what problems it needs to solve, it must be made aware of these problems
One of the main goals of this program is to popularize development issues and problems among young people, using various sources for this - the media, literature, and so on Youth is the engine of social life and, if they think about the problems of the development of our society and the world as a whole, this will contribute to the improvement and improvement of technologies, principles and methods for the development of humanity, and therefore the world As you know, the more people struggle with a problem, the greater the chance of its speedy solution And if we fight together - sharing information, informing each other about progress in one area or another - this will reduce the time to solve the problem This is why Development Information Day was created, which the whole world celebrates on October 24 - to save humanity’s time After all, by communicating information to each other about certain achievements, we give each other the opportunity to deal with more pressing, necessary and useful problems, avoiding the situation of reinventing the wheel twice