Representatives of 42 countries gathered in Quebec (Canada) on October 16, 1945, and established the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Thus, representatives of the largest and most developed countries took a step towards solving the problem of hunger on our planet After the establishment of this Organization, various mechanisms began to be created that could help in solving the tasks set before the leadership of all countries, peoples and small nations to provide food to all those in need
To more successfully achieve these goals, it was decided to establish a special World Food Day, celebrated on October 16, starting in 1979
The objectives of World Food Day are:• to draw attention to the activation of national and state food production, as well as the development of bilateral and multilateral cooperation programs in this area and the involvement of non-governmental organizations in work in this area;• to promote the development of technical and economic cooperation between developing countries; • encouraging people living in agricultural regions, especially women and the least privileged, to participate in decision-making and take action Positively affecting living conditions in the region;• raising awareness of the problems of malnutrition and hunger in the world, as well as promoting the spread of food processing technologies among developing countries;• strengthening solidarity and mutual assistance at the international and national level in the fight against food shortages and poverty Focusing on solutions to problems and successes achieved in the development of the agricultural industry and the production of nutritional supplements and food products
The adoption of this solemn date for the first time officially announced the introduction by most countries of the world of programs aimed at creating conditions for the consistent development of the agricultural and processing industries, which are aimed at eradicating hunger of the inhabitants of the Earth This is not accidental, since malnutrition and hunger negatively affect not only the socio-political situation in various countries, leading to an increase in crime, but also the gene pool of humanity as a whole Children born in countries that belong to the “third world” suffer from various disabilities in physical and mental development, which does not allow them to fully claim a worthy place in society
On World Food Day, a variety of charitable events and activities are organized, the purpose of which is to alleviate the plight of people, both in third world countries and in more developed countries Activists from various charitable organizations and institutions hold congresses and conferences aimed at finding solutions to the most pressing problems In addition to ongoing events, every year on October 19, a maximum number of educational events are held aimed at informing earthlings about the hungry and the threats that hunger poses to our society On this, as on any other day, peacekeeping and charitable organizations deliver humanitarian aid to areas of natural and man-made disasters, military operations, natural disasters, etc
Since 1981, each World Food Day has been celebrated under a different slogan This decision was made to highlight issues that require immediate public attention