The number of deaths from cardiovascular diseases increases every year This is due to an incorrect lifestyle, an irresponsible attitude towards oneself and the people around you, bad habits, eating low-quality foods, etc
In order for all of humanity to pay attention to this problem, the UN, WHO, and UNESCO decided to create a special day dedicated to the problems of heart disease in people around the world
The initiator of the creation of the “holiday of the heart” was the VFS This is a federation that studies diseases of the cardiovascular and autonomic systems, developing methods and drugs for their treatment The Chairman of the WFU made a proposal to allocate one day a year to the holiday back in 1999 The unexpected initiative was supported by all meeting participants
In 2011, the annual date of the holiday was set - September 29
The WFS has precisely defined the goals and objectives of World Heart Day:
1 Focus on the increasing danger to the population caused by the sharp increase in the number of heart diseases in recent decades
2 Carry out annual activities necessary to prevent coronary heart disease and strokes
3 Control the causes of cardiovascular diseases and conduct educational work among the population to eradicate them We are talking about the use of tobacco and alcohol
4 Development of programs to educate residents of third world countries about the dangers of heart disease
WHO and the WFS believe that dieting, exercising and controlling bad habits can save the lives of millions of people on the planet According to them, in 1 year, heart disease causes the death of more than 15 million people This is a big number Reducing it is the main task of all festive and preventive events on September 29
On this day, cardiologists around the world hold conversations with the population about the rules of living without harm to health, organize scientific conferences with colleagues, where they share their experience and their own achievements in the field of preventing heart disease VFS annually sends a scientific and educational team to countries with low living standards to inform the population about the dangers of smoking, alcohol and poor lifestyle on heart health Hunger and poor quality drinking water are the main sources of heart problems in such countries Scientists and doctors turn to the governments of these states with petitions and declarations to improve the quality of life of the population
Our country is not one of the disadvantaged countries with a low standard of living, but the number of deaths from cardiovascular diseases is growing every year On September 29 of every year, you have the opportunity to start your life anew and time the event to coincide with this date Pay attention to your family's nutrition, play sports, quit smoking This way you will help yourself and those around you get rid of a large number of diseases, including heart diseases