Obesity in the 21st century has become a global problem that affects the adult and child population of most countries Excess weight is a burden not only on the spine and vital systems of the body, but also on the public health care system Obesity significantly worsens a person's quality of life and reduces its duration Overweight women have problems with fertility, and men have problems with reproductive function March 4 is World Obesity Day, which is intended to draw attention to this pathology and the need to prevent the disease
The first World Obesity Day took place in 2015 Since then, annual events have been dedicated to a specific topic related to high body mass index Thus, in 2016, the problem of childhood obesity was considered, and a year later - treatment and prevention of excess weight gain Until 2020, World Obesity Day, which was initiated by The World Obesity Federation with the support of WHO, fell on October 11 All their statements and resolutions were widely covered and continue to be covered by the scientific medical journal The Lancet Today, the date for conferences, seminars and other events dedicated to obesity and related problems is March 4 But some people celebrate it twice a year - also on October 11th
A high body mass index, as studies have shown, does not depend on the economic indicators of life and social status of citizens of a particular state Up to 25% of teenagers from developed countries (USA, Canada, UK, Ireland) suffer from excess weight, 15% of them are diagnosed with obesity No less high indicators are demonstrated by countries with a low standard of living - Taiwan, Brazil, Egypt, the Cook Islands, and India Scientists call for attention to the fact that in children under 6 years of age who were overweight, in 50% of cases obesity is diagnosed in adulthood
Obese people suffer from diabetes, musculoskeletal diseases, cardiovascular pathologies and oncology The accumulation of excess fat in the body leads to a decrease in physical activity, which means a slowdown in metabolic processes in the body An overweight person has a lot of reasons to be dissatisfied with his own appearance, which negatively affects the functioning of the central nervous system, causes complexes and creates psychological problems
The World Obesity Federation was created quite a long time ago - in 1974 Despite this, today a high body mass index is observed in 1/3 of the world's population According to WHO observations, obesity has become a global pandemic since 1997 In order to combat it, doctors in all countries of the world carry out educational work with the population, talking about the causes and consequences of the disease These events do not stop for a single day throughout the year, but the education of doctors takes on special activity and significance - World Obesity Day