On November 19, plumbers, specialists on whom the comfort of life of a modern person directly depends, celebrate their professional holiday Since we moved into cozy apartments and houses “with all the amenities,” these “invisible front” workers are responsible for the maintenance of plumbing fixtures and the proper operation of water supply, heating and sewerage systems
The term “plumbing” itself appeared after the merger of the words “sanitary” and “equipment” Today this name is most often used to refer to any devices that have anything to do with sewerage, heating, water and heat supply systems The history of plumbing goes back to the ancient Sumerians, although many mistakenly think that it began with the rise of technological progress
During excavations, archaeologists discovered a carved throne-stool that belonged to Queen Shubad The find dates back to 2600 BC In those days, Europeans could not even imagine making such devices The next who tried to increase their comfort when using latrines were the ancient Greeks and Chinese In enlightened Europe, people still continued to relieve themselves in the old fashioned way, and stories about the traditions of the local nobility shocked contemporaries The world's first toilets appeared only at the beginning of the last century Since then, plumbing devices have been constantly improved
Baths were invented by the same ancient Greeks Later, the idea was adopted by the ancient Romans, who respected the inventions of their neighbors In Rome, public baths were opened everywhere, in which noble Roman citizens often rested, communicated, and even resolved important issues Baths have remained virtually unchanged since the times of the Hellenes - this is the very case when there is no point in reinventing the wheel But the mixer was invented by Lord Kelvin in the 19th century
The average person rarely encounters plumbers We usually only call a specialist if something is broken In fact, it is necessary to systematically check the operation of all plumbing devices, as this will prevent equipment failure
No one knows who took the initiative to introduce a new holiday, but all the specialists who work with water supply, sewerage and heating systems accepted and supported it Unfortunately, at the moment, Plumber's Day does not have an official status, although this may change in the future On this holiday, we recommend congratulating all your friends who work in this professional environment