Non-infectious chronic skin diseases, the main symptom of which are pink and red skin rashes, affect from 2 to 46% of the world's population In addition to plaques with silvery-white scales that disrupt the integrity of the dermis, psoriasis affects the condition of the joints, heart and kidneys In severe cases, the pathology causes arthrosis, arthritis, coronary heart disease and other related diseases World Psoriasis Day is celebrated on October 29 to raise awareness of this autoimmune disease
The establishment of the holiday was initiated in 2004 by the International Federation of Psoriasis Associations Events held for Psoriasis Day are aimed at raising people's awareness of this pathology The purpose of World Psoriasis Day is primarily to inform the public that the disease is not contagious, like pityriasis versicolor, cutaneous T-cell lymphoma or nail fungus Most often, psoriasis occurs due to hereditary predisposition or immune failure With timely prevention, if a person belongs to a risk group, the disease can be avoided
Rash, redness and peeling of the skin can appear at any age Psoriasis most often affects people under 30 years of age The main risk factors include:
• streptococcal and other focal infections; • endocrine diseases; • stress and psychological trauma; • immunodeficiency; • solar and X-ray irradiation; • protein and lipid metabolism disorders; • skin and joint injuries; • fungus and mycoplasma affecting the nail plates and body skin and heads
In 75% of cases, psoriasis develops into arthritis - a pathology that causes dermatologists' patients much greater inconvenience than the unaesthetic appearance and itching of the skin Such famous historical figures as I Stalin, G Ford, B Franklin and W Churchill suffered from the disease The main methods of treating psoriasis include ultraviolet phototherapy of blood, taking medications with vitamin A and immunosuppressants, and using creams and ointments with anti-inflammatory components
The disease cannot be cured The main method of preventing the appearance of plaques and papules is considered to be timely prevention It includes taking vitamins, sedatives and sunbathing on the sea coast, sessions of massage that stimulates blood circulation, which helps remove toxins and metabolites World Psoriasis Day encourages people at risk to start taking care of their own health and start preventing skin diseases without waiting for them to appear