September 22 is World Rhino Day, which aims to draw attention to the disappearance of this rare animal Human activity in many cases leads to sad consequences for nature and our smaller brothers Poachers have brought rhinos of all species - Indian, Javan, Sumatran and African - to the brink of extinction World Rhino Day calls for attention to the problem of the disappearance of these equid mammals
The African branch of the World Wildlife Fund raised the alarm about the death of hippos It was WWF that initiated the holding of Rhino Day on September 22 The holiday has been celebrated annually since 2010 During the twentieth century, more than 95% of the entire animal population was destroyed Their first representatives appeared on Earth more than 10 million years ago The woolly rhinoceros, which disappeared after the Ice Age, lived in Siberia Today, a rare representative of the fauna is valued for its horns, which are credited with healing properties Their cost reaches $65,000 per 1 kg Men from African tribes use thick hippopotamus skins to make shields for hunting The animal, which is on the verge of extinction, is listed in the Red Book Hunting for it is prohibited in all countries of the world
Various flash mobs, exhibitions of photographs of these amazing mammals and other events are held on World Rhino Day Animals are interesting for their appearance and habits Few people know that their habit of wallowing in the mud is due to the fact that in this way the animal tries to protect itself from sunburn A hippopotamus needs to eat 70-80 kg of grass per day to be completely satisfied His famous horn is not a bone It consists of keratin similar to that found in human nails and hair The largest horn that people encountered reached a length of 158 cm
In size, rhinoceroses are second only to elephants Despite its size, the animal can reach speeds of up to 45-60 km/h It sees poorly, but has a well-developed sense of smell and hearing This helps the rhinoceros avoid encounters with hunters, because it has practically no natural enemies The exception is tigers, who love to feast on baby hippos In the natural environment, a rhinoceros lives 35-40 years Their largest population lives in South Africa
Large-scale poaching is the reason for the extinction of hippopotamuses World Rhino Day is intended to draw the attention of people from all over the globe to this and prevent the death of animals