September 4th is World Sexual Health Day This term is misunderstood by many Sexual health is often mistakenly interpreted as the absence of disease, although the precise definition includes the wording “physical, emotional and social well-being” In other words, if a person has no diseases, but does not feel comfortable, this does not mean that he is healthy Let's try to find out what sexual health is and how to improve it?
Sexual health is closely related to sexual behavior - a set of attitudes, mental reactions and actions that are aimed at satisfying sexual desire The quality of sexual life, emotional and physical pleasure directly depends on a sense of security and peace of mind, so one of the “pillars” on which good sexual relationships rest is safe sex Here we are talking not only about preventing unwanted pregnancy, but also about protecting against sexually transmitted diseases
Humanity has known about STDs for a long time, but medicine in those days was poorly developed, and people did not have a clear idea of the methods of transmission of certain sexually transmitted diseases, so they spread quickly and could become a real disaster, not inferior in the number of victims to typhoid fever or smallpox In the Middle Ages, gonorrhea and syphilis became headaches Interestingly, the first is mentioned in the Bible as one of the sources of ritual uncleanness
There are three theories about the origin of syphilis The most popular version blames the sailors from Christopher Columbus's ship, who contracted the disease from the aborigines of the island of Haiti Subsequently, they brought it to almost every port where they stopped, and many of the men, after traveling, also took part in the military campaigns of the French king According to another theory, syphilis was also brought to Europe by sailors, but much earlier, since according to the results of research, dental changes were found in some skeletons from Pompeii, which may be characteristic of congenital syphilis The third hypothesis suggests that the birthplace of this disease was Africa, from which the infection spread along with slaves
One way or another, there was no escape from syphilis in the Middle Ages The disease could develop for years, but ultimately disfigured the person and led to death Medicine could not provide effective drugs to patients because it was centuries away from Alexander Fleming's discovery There were many misconceptions, among which one of the most persistent was the myth that syphilis and gonorrhea are two manifestations of the same disease This legend has existed for more than 100 years Today, syphilis, like gonorrhea, can be successfully treated, but this does not mean that you can relax and forget about safe sex, because a new threat looms ahead
In 2018, a patient in the UK was diagnosed with a new strain of gonorrhea, which cannot be treated with antibiotics Similar cases have also been reported in Japan, France and Spain Doctors are seriously afraid of a new epidemic of incurable gonorrhea, which can lead to serious consequences for the human body For example, women without proper treatment in the acute form can become infertile Not only syphilis and gonorrhea pose a danger Dozens of other diseases are transmitted sexually, some of which cannot be treated
Every person has the right to enjoy and express their sexuality without violence, fear or risks to their health However, rights always go hand in hand with responsibilities, so it is important to respect your partner, not impose your own opinion on him, and not try to realize your rights through violence or coercion against another person Another important aspect of sexual health is consent Any actions of a sexual nature, which include not only sexual intercourse itself, but also kisses, hugs, and touches, must be performed with the approval of both partners Otherwise, there is not just a violation of the sexual rights of another person, but real violence