The idea of combining business with pleasure resulted in the creation of a new holiday - World Shopping Day, which meets the increased demands and current needs of modern people In 2009, the Chinese online marketplace Alibaba Group for the first time organized a sale dedicated to another popular local holiday, Singles' Day
We liked the significant discounts on this youth holiday and justified themselves Other online shopping stores picked up the idea, and soon the date “1111” went far beyond the Celestial Empire, turning November into a period of global sales The popularity of the AliExpress online store, which is part of the giant Alibaba, has made World Shopping Day a relevant holiday for Russians
Today, the era of digital self-service dictates its own rules, and shopping through the World Wide Web is gaining enormous proportions Statistics are merciless for real stores: online sales increase their turnover every year Sales on this day break all imaginable records, so on the most famous sites, revenue goes through the roof, amounting to billions of dollars By the way, the equally famous “Black Friday” and “Cyber Monday” were left behind in terms of income
There are special projects dealing with market analysis and forecasts for e-commerce Their findings and observations indicate that about 80% of the entire Internet audience makes purchases Electronics and household appliances remain one of the most popular categories The development of technology also contributes to this, for example, cashback portals with the opportunity to return part of the money and choose the best option and all possible ones
From the beginning of the month you can see all the discounts For active buyers, various competitions and drawings of discount coupons are held Interesting new products are being launched, including in Russia - virtual reality stores, where buyers will be able to examine products in detail using special applications
This day will not be complete without charity On November 11, sellers and buyers participate together in the Stop Hunger program They donate part of the funds received for certain groups of goods to the World Food Program Fund, which aims to defeat such a scourge as hunger by 2030
Despite the excitement, it is worth observing some caution: the “Caveat emptor” rule is most suitable for this This is a Latin term that literally translates to “let the buyer beware” This ancient principle is still relevant today: it means that the buyer assumes the risk that the product may not meet expectations or be defective
And although modern sellers are ready to take responsibility, it is a good idea to read reviews and avoid spontaneous, unnecessary purchases There is another danger - shopaholism The line between an exciting activity and a real mental illness is quite thin: it is necessary and important to be able to stop in time so as not to turn into an addicted person