The state of water resources affects all life on Earth Pollution of the world's oceans is an environmental problem that has become especially acute in the 21st century Anthropogenic factor, ie human activity, heavy metals, petroleum products, minerals, polymers and chemical fertilizers enter the water Pollution leads to changes in the chemical, physical and biological properties of water This requires constant monitoring for the content of foreign gaseous, liquid and solid substances September 18 is World Water Monitoring Day
The celebration appeared in 2007 on the initiative of the American organization Clean Water Foundation At first, events in his honor took place a month later, on October 27, which is the date the Clean Water Act was signed in 1972 by the US Congress But due to its freezing in some countries of the Northern Hemisphere, the celebration was postponed to an earlier date During World Water Monitoring Day, samples are taken from rivers, lakes, seas and oceans to assess the quality of their water Therefore, it is so important that all states supporting the initiative can monitor and analyze the research results
The human body consists of 3/4 water People's health depends on its quality and safety Drinking water from surface water bodies is tested and analyzed for microbiological, radiological and sanitary-chemical indicators The results of the sample study are published on the pages of the online resource of World Water Quality Monitoring Day Every year the number of participants in events held on September 18 is growing And if in 2007 World Water Monitoring Day was supported by 77 countries, then in 2019 - already 146 countries
In Russia, monitoring is regularly carried out by employees of Rospotrebnadzor and the Centers for Hygiene and Epidemiology The composition of drinking water is regulated by the provisions of SanPiN 2141074-01 The document establishes standards for its mineralization, acidity and hardness, maximum permissible doses of heavy metals, chlorine, formaldehyde, nitrates and other substances According to external indicators, water is assessed for transparency, temperature and oxygen saturation
The purity of H2O depends on the state of the environment The Earth's hydrosphere consists of both surface and groundwater and glaciers Radionuclides accumulate in the soil as a result of launch vehicles, leaks and emergency emissions from nuclear industry enterprises Groundwater is the source of central water supply for many regions of the Russian Federation, for example the Altai Republic They also fill wells and wells with life-giving moisture Therefore, throughout the year in the Russian Federation, both surface and groundwater are monitored for the presence of radioactive radiation
The cleanest lake on Earth is Baikal, located in Eastern Siberia The transparency of this reservoir of fresh water of natural origin reaches 40 m The cleanest lakes in the world are also considered to be the Chinese Lake of Five Flowers and the Canadian Peyto Lake, which is fed by glaciers World Water Monitoring Day calls on people to take care of the cleanliness of the hydrosphere and the ecology of the planet, so that there are more similar bodies of water on Earth year after year