In mid-February, when Valentine's Day is celebrated around the world, the Chinese prepare for the national holiday, which since ancient times falls on the 15th day of the first lunar month
This day is often called Yuanxiao, after the name of the dish that decorates the festive table It concludes the fourteen-day New Year celebration according to the local calendar This event, like all others, has its own history According to one legend, the holiday has Buddhist origins In Han times, when Buddhism had just begun to spread across China, monks had a tradition of lighting lanterns on the 15th day and performing meditations in front of ancient relics According to another legend, on this day the throne was headed by Emperor Wendi, who ordered to decorate his palace with red lanterns This is where the custom of admiring the burning light began
According to tradition, on the day of celebration, the souls of deceased relatives, who descended to earth to celebrate the old year with their loved ones, return to heaven, and lanterns are needed to illuminate the road First, they are lit at home, the lanterns are checked, and then large and smaller, round and square, in the shape of animals, birds and trees, they migrate to the city center, where it becomes light, as if in daytime As a rule, lanterns are made of thin cardboard, onto which images of animals, people and nature are applied In addition, there are so-called “Zoumaden” The method of their production dates back over 1000 years In the body of the lantern there is a candle that drives a gear wheel to which the figures are attached, as a result of which moving shadows are formed on the walls
In 104 BC, the holiday received state status The emperor issued a decree according to which people had to hang lanterns everywhere and admire their light Since 713, “mountains of lanterns” began to be held in Chang’an (today Xi’an), including up to 50 or more thousand copies
The celebration itself lasts for several days The 13th day of the first month according to the lunar calendar is called “Exhibition” At this time, stores selling lanterns install all kinds of models so that any buyer can choose an option to suit his taste The next day is a test when the lanterns begin to light The climax falls on the 15th day, evening and night hours On this day, many lanterns light up everywhere; custom obliges you to enjoy their beauty Thematic exhibitions are organized on the streets In recent years, a tradition has emerged of making lanterns in the form of famous architectural structures In addition, on this day there are fireworks, dancing, swing rides, etc
Yange (lion) dance is no less popular In the south of the country it is usually performed by two people, in the northern regions - up to 10 or more An obligatory component of the performance is music, support and participation of the audience
It is also customary to eat “yuan xiao” on the holiday This tradition has been known since the times (960-1279) They are prepared from rice flour with various, usually sweet berry fillings, and then fried in oil Chocolate, dates and even beans Each province has its own recipe for making flatbreads Previously, yuanxiao was prepared in every family, today, as a rule, they are bought in stores There is a legend that if you eat yuanxiao on a holiday, the family will experience happiness and good luck throughout the whole year
The 18th is the day when the lanterns are removed The holiday ends, but the memories of it remain for the next 12 months