In colloquial speech, interjections in the form of the letters “a” and “o” are used to express feelings If a person cannot quickly find words during a conversation, then he says “uh-uh” As a call to the interlocutor to continue a thought, “and?” The letter “y” is often not used as an interjection; it is extremely rare at the beginning of a word, as, for example, in the name of the Yakut city YtykKyuyol or the village of the Komi Republic Yb A funny holiday is called upon to correct this injustice - Y Day, which is celebrated on February 2
The 29th letter appeared in the alphabet of Cyril and Methodius during its creation in the 9th century To write it, “b” (er) and “I” (and octal) were used Therefore, until 1964, according to the spelling dictionary of DN Ushakova was called "era" In addition to the Russian language, it is found in Belarusian, Moldavian and Kyrgyz, until the 19th century was present in the Bulgarian and Serbian alphabets Scientists say that the vowel sound “y” existed in the proto-language of the Slavs
The holiday in honor of the 29th letter of the Russian alphabet is an excellent occasion to remember the words at the beginning of which it occurs Usually they are toponyms used to designate geographical objects located in Estonia, Yakutia and the Komi Republic In the Turkic and Kazakh languages, Ybyray, Yrgym, Yrsai, Yrymgul and similar male names are often found Despite the fact that the letter is rarely used at the beginning of a word, in 1910 the Votkinsk and Kolomna plants produced more than 350 steam locomotives of the Y series Locomotives with compound engines served for quite a long time and were decommissioned in 1950-1957
On November 29, a holiday dedicated to another vowel is celebrated - the Day of the letter Y Therefore, it is not surprising that someone decided to come up with a celebration in honor of Y Although in 2014 VV Zhirinovsky took the initiative to remove this letter from the alphabet The LDPR leader explained his proposal by the sad experience of his son, who in childhood could not master the pronunciation of the sound “s” for a long time Decades earlier, in 1964, during the reform of the Russian language, it was proposed to establish a grammatical rule according to which “i” should always be written after “ts” But philologists defended historical traditions and left “era” at the root of the words “gypsy”, “on tiptoe” and “chicken”
Writers, screenwriters and film directors often played with Y in their creations Science fiction writers Boris and Arkady Strugatsky wrote the story “It’s Hard to Be a God” in 1963 One of her characters, a naked boar, had the funny name Y The 29th letter of the alphabet appears in the famous comedy by L Gaidai “Operation “Y” and other adventures of Shurik” The idea of such an unusual title for the film belongs to the director of the film LI Gaidai decided that the phrase “Operation Y” was striking in its absurdity And this stupid name with the comment “So that no one guesses” should be voiced by Dunce - one of the three famous swindlers
In the film "Kin-dza-dza" GN Daneliya Y was used to denote joy and strong emotions by the Chatlans and Patsaks - the peoples inhabiting the planet Plyuk The English acronym LOL is used on the Internet to convey laughter in writing In the network jargon of Runet, its analogue Y is used The musicians of the popular rock band of the 1990s also drew attention to the ancient Slavic “era”, calling it “AuktYon” Anyone who wants to celebrate an unusual celebration in early February - Y Day - will be able to pay tribute to one of the vowel letters of the alphabet