There are situations in life when it seems that all the work and effort put into achieving a goal was in vain A person who is self-confident and has an inner core does not give in under the pressure of circumstances and does not give up on assigned tasks People who understand that the problems that arise only strengthen their character and make them stronger are distinguished by endurance and patience August 18 is a holiday established in honor of those who persistently pursue their goals - Never Give Up Day
Never Give Up Day is celebrated by strong-willed people who believe in their dreams and want to achieve great heights This could be career growth and sporting achievements, the release of a designer collection, or organizing an exhibition of your own paintings An ancient Chinese proverb says: “Either don’t start, or once you start, don’t give up” What qualities do you need to develop in yourself so that you are not tempted to give up in the face of difficulties?
Purposeful people who have achieved heights in their business recommend:• look at life with optimism;• do not be afraid to gain even negative experiences;• focus on your strengths;• remember the happy moments of life on the way to success By following these tips, you and Before you know it, you will become an example for those who dream of reaching the top, but do not believe in their own strength
LN Tolstoy believed that achieving peace and comfort is associated with the loss of everything that is beautiful in a person The writer was convinced that difficulties build character, so not only should you not be afraid of them, but sometimes even cause them by taking the fire upon yourself LN Tolstoy owns the words: “To live honestly, you have to rush, get confused, fight, make mistakes, start and give up, and start again, and give up again, and always struggle and lose And calmness is spiritual meanness”
It’s hard to disagree with the great Russian prose writer A Lincoln, A Einstein, T Edison, S Stallone, D Trump, M Jordan and other successful people thank the difficulties that arose in their life, because without them they would not have achieved what they wanted Overcoming obstacles causes a surge of adrenaline, gives invaluable experience and self-confidence An example of someone else's success inspires and inspires And the saying that difficult times give birth to strong people gives you faith and awareness of your own uniqueness
Sometimes it seems that failures and the tests sent are impossible to withstand and pass with dignity In this case, many people are helped by turning to the religious foundations of life Believers are confident that God will not allow anything to happen to you that you cannot bear A person is sent as many tests as he can withstand
According to the teachings of Buddha, life is suffering There are always difficulties and difficulties in it, which is considered the norm The purpose of existence is to end suffering and achieve nirvana Enlightenment is the goal of every Buddhist's life There are many obstacles on the way to it, but if you follow the advice of the 14th Dalai Lama, a person will be able to overcome them
The spiritual leader addresses every follower of Tibetan Buddhism with the words: "Never give up No matter what happens Never give up" Never Give Up Day calls on people of all faiths, any social status, profession, age and gender to do the same