On July 15, an unusual holiday is celebrated in all respects - the Day of Russian Laziness Why Russian? Laziness has long been considered one of the characteristic features of our national character She appears in the plots of many fairy tales, and proverbs and sayings have been written about her Are Russians really much lazier than representatives of other nations? How is this holiday dedicated to laziness celebrated?
Russians are lazy, Italians are loving, the British are reserved, the Japanese are hardworking - all these are tenacious stereotypes that cannot be eradicated and continue to live even in our time, when borders between states are becoming arbitrary and nations are actively mixing
Laziness is a universal problem In Christianity, it is included in the list of mortal sins Today, ordinary laziness has undergone metamorphosis and received a new, more sonorous name - procrastination This term hides the same human reluctance to do anything The only difference is that procrastination does not mean pushing through the sofa, but going headlong into any other business and endlessly postponing the only important thing for later
From a biological point of view, laziness is a vital thing This is the signal that the body gives when it needs rest, both physical and mental This “protective reflex” helps to save important resources, preventing their unjustified waste, since “important work” sometimes loses its relevance after rest and no longer requires completion at all But the abuse of laziness is a dangerous habit that can ruin a person’s life and turn him into an “amoeba”
In our folklore you can find a lot of proverbs and sayings about laziness The image of the lazy Russian was formed not without the help of foreign guests who often came to Rus' and later described local life in voluminous essays In many ways, our folk tales contributed to the elevation of laziness to the status of one of the key characteristics of the Russian person The well-known Emelya, unlike his hardworking brothers, was kicking ass and resting his sides on the stove After the hero of the fairy tale caught a magic pike, his life changed dramatically Wishes began to come true; Emelya even rode to his audience with the Emperor on his favorite stove, so as not to have to get up from it again Surprisingly, in the end the hero continues to resort to the help of the miraculous pike Emelya is happy with his beautiful wife, but he never had to really work hard Could this fairy tale become a powerful justification for the cult of laziness among Russians? Of course not This is a dream of a simple and carefree life, which is embodied in folklore This is also common in other cultures
Another iconic hero who was dubbed “lazy” is the glorious hero Ilya Muromets He spent 33 years on the same stove as Emelya As modern researchers say, Ilya from Murom, who became the prototype of the epic hero, was not in bed out of laziness, but because of health problems The debate about what exactly the hero was sick with continues to this day If you thoroughly understand this issue, it is difficult to imagine that a Russian person who worked in the fields, raised livestock, and later built factories and raised virgin soil, could be lazy
There is only one answer to this question - rest Lie in bed, treat yourself to something delicious, read a book, watch a movie The most important thing on this holiday is not to work, since Laziness Day is dedicated to quiet rest and emotional relaxation You can get together with like-minded people and relax together in a large group, it will be even more fun to enjoy laziness