Tattoos are part of art and culture They are used to decorate the body and commemorate important events Man is impulsive by nature Attitudes towards people and the world, views on events that have happened, mood, tastes change After rethinking the past, many try to change and correct something Often there is a desire to remove a tattoo
Tattoos have become popular since the mid-20th century The increase in those wishing to decorate their bodies with designs has provoked an increase in the number of those who want to remove tattoos or correct them To support the latter, they came up with a holiday - Tattoo Removal Day Celebrated annually on August 14th This is the answer to the Tattoo Day holiday It is celebrated on July 17th There is almost a month between the two events Experts say that during this period it is possible to remove or touch up a tattoo without complications or unpleasant consequences The holiday is also tied to Valentine's Day (February 14) The body is cleansed of the past and becomes ready for new relationships
For the first time, Americans began to celebrate Tattoo Removal Day The founder of the event is considered to be the Astanza Laser company In the United States, salons offer discounts on Tattoo Removal Day Part of the proceeds from the procedures are donated to charity Other countries also use this approach More often, specialists have to remove unsuccessful and old works and permanent makeup There are pigment drawings made with improvised means by a non-professional And August 14 is the right day to hatch them
The question arises, how to celebrate August 14? You need to decide on a salon and go there to get your tattoo done It is important to choose a company with a license, a high reputation, and professionals who offer high-quality, trace-free and painless tattoo removal They cleanse the skin of pigment using laser and other methods After deleting the picture, you can relax and celebrate the event with like-minded people, friends and family How to celebrate the removal of a pigmented image from the skin is up to everyone to decide for themselves
There are groups of like-minded people on social networks and messenger programs (Viber) They are filled with people who have gotten rid of tattoos and are just about to get it done They can recommend a good salon and give advice on the method of removing pigment In groups you can get support, share joy, and congratulate each other on a funny holiday