Indian classical dances involve the hands, feet and facial expressions of the performer who masters the art of abhinaya ("the art of expression") The culmination of the dramatic action that unfolds on stage is reflected in the eyes of the dancer His gaze follows the movements of his hands, while his facial expression gives meaning to his gestures Using mudras, a special combination of hands and fingers, the dancer conveys various emotions and depicts events
When a performer, for example, shows with his hand movements the opening of a lotus, his eyes give this gesture additional meaning If the flower is beautiful, the look reflects surprise; if there is a poisonous snake in it, it reflects fear and horror Eyes are the mirror of the soul When a person is strained to rejoice, only the lips are involved in this process, while the gaze does not express any emotions False smiles, if given by a loved one, alarm and repel the people around them
Scientists have been struggling with the mystery of the Mona Lisa for many decades The position of her lips, as depicted by the Renaissance genius Leonardo da Vinci, does not coincide with the facial expressions of her eyes This makes the model’s smile forced and insincere Some researchers see this peaceful facial expression as a reflection of the state of a pregnant woman, while others see thoughtfulness, slyness and even anger
In psychology, the concept of “Duchenne smile” is found, named after the outstanding physiologist and neurologist of the 19th century According to the scientist, the sincere expression of emotions of joy and happiness involves not only the corners of the lips, but also the muscles around the eyes The signs of this genuine smile were revealed by the Frenchman Guillaume Duchesne It is the opposite of the false grimace of joy that a person puts on out of decency and etiquette Everyone who agrees with Duchenne’s conclusions celebrates an unusual holiday on February 27 - the Day of Smiles with the Eyes
Optimists, who are not used to being sad and grieving, notice only the good in all manifestations of life They know how to laugh at themselves and the current circumstances, without fear of the appearance of facial wrinkles around the eyes Their spiritual manifestations are sincere and infect those around them with cheerfulness and self-confidence Positive people's eyes shine with happiness They are not afraid of the appearance of wrinkles around the mouth and wrinkles in the form of rays near the corners of the eyes in the future
Follow the example of optimists on February 27! But don't force yourself to smile in honor of the holiday Find a reason to rejoice, to see “the sun peeking out from behind the clouds” in any situation, and not to depict the happiness and pleasure you get from life Allow yourself to laugh sincerely in honor of Smile Day with your eyes