In the hustle and bustle of workdays and weekends, when a lot of attention is paid to family, a person often forgets about his own needs But at least sometimes you need to do something pleasant and useful for yourself This could be taking care of your own health, meeting old friends, searching for a new item for your collection, and much more to maintain inner harmony and balance November 4th is a funny holiday that has a great philosophical connotation - Self-Care Day
A physically and mentally healthy, emotionally balanced person is able to build harmonious relationships with the people around him It is impossible to make your loved ones happy, to become support and support for them, if you yourself are in a depressed and depressed state Often there are no obvious reasons for low mood and anxiety Their roots lie in the inability to take care of one’s own needs, the fear of pleasing oneself by buying some little thing because of the reluctance to be branded as an egoist But there is nothing wrong with getting enough sleep on a day off or doing meditation, if your soul requires it, alone, asking your loved ones not to disturb you
Self-care day is needed to draw people's attention to the importance of fulfilling their own desires “A man is born for happiness, like a bird for flight,” said writer VG through the mouth of his hero Korolenko Each of us deserves to experience joy and pleasure in life This could be meeting a friend in a cafe, going to the pool, visiting a massage therapist, or cooking dinner together with your loved one
There is nothing good in regularly indulging your own whims and caprices A spoiled child, a selfish 40-year-old, or a capricious grandmother who skillfully manipulates her family live solely in their own interests They do not care about the problems and needs of others If you are one of those whose life is subordinated to fulfilling the desires of other people to the detriment of your own interests, then the Day of Caring was invented for you
Becoming happy is a natural human desire The holiday, which is celebrated on November 4, encourages people to learn to enjoy all manifestations of life, to begin to enjoy it here and now Sometimes you need to temporarily stop being a hero who performs feats every day in the name of loved ones There is nothing wrong with satisfying your needs and harmless whims - a cup of hot coffee or a walk in the park will bring pleasure and give you strength for new achievements
Love, happiness, achieving harmony with the world around you and yourself begin with taking care of yourself This may concern both your own health and appearance Remember AP Chekhov: “Everything in a person should be beautiful: face, clothes, soul, and thoughts” Pay a little attention to your appearance on Self-Care Day - update your wardrobe, go to the hairdresser or to the gym Pamper yourself in honor of the holiday, remember the feelings of joy and inner satisfaction, and then make their achievement a rule for the rest of your life