Indifference and apathy are frequent companions of satiety A person who has been engaged in the same activity for a long time gets tired of monotony and monotony The consequence of this is anxiety, loss of interest in life and despondency This problem was brought to the attention of the Americans Thomas Roy and his wife Ruth, the authors of 80 “special days” included in the Chase National Holiday Calendar On their initiative, an unusual and funny Blase Day is celebrated on November 25th
Psychologists are well aware of the problems of older people associated with fatigue and weariness from life In adulthood, for most of them, the world no longer seems amazing and unusual, but on the contrary, it seems boring and monotonous People of retirement age complain that they are sick of everything around them Nothing can captivate them and ignite a fire in their hearts, as it did in their younger years Spleen, blues and apathy are characteristic not only of old age, when a period of extinction of the vital functions of the body begins In modern people, the effect of psychological satiety is observed regardless of age, social status and income level
Stability and predictability of life are good to a certain extent If monotony and monotonous rhythm of existence become constant companions, disgust and irritation from the current situation sets in A person loses interest in work or any other activity that he performs day after day for months or even years The lack of thrills needs to be compensated - you need to try to diversify life by introducing a new spirit into it
Hedonists are aimed at obtaining pleasure and pleasure from life in all its manifestations These sybarites and epicureans are unknown to torment, mental suffering and soul-searching Hedonists strive to satisfy all their needs, sensual ones first of all They are convinced that man is born for joy and happiness Problems of satiety are unknown to such people
The psychological phenomenon associated with the loss of the ability to receive pleasure is called anhedonia In this state, a person loses motivation for activities that previously brought pleasure - work, hobbies, playing sports, listening to music and communicating with friends Anhedonia is one of the symptoms of serious mental disorders (depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, depersonalization, etc) and signs of satiety, which needs to be gotten rid of
The recipe for returning to the joys of life is quite simple If you notice symptoms of satiety and loss of interest in the world around you, do something unusual Start taking rock climbing classes or extreme driving courses, sign up for a macramé weaving workshop, or go skydiving Any change of activity will have a positive impact on the psychological state of a person who is tired of monotonous everyday life Don't rush to quit your boring job - maybe you just need to start taking a creative approach to doing it Find strength in yourself and try to diversify your life, let the Day of Saturation become a holiday that is not on your calendar!