A competent leader is the basis of a successful business It is they - bosses, superiors, top managers, directors, business sharks - who stand at the helm and rule the company with a firm hand
The ancestor of the holiday can be considered the state of Illinois, where National Boss's Day has been celebrated on October 16 for more than 55 years The concept of the holiday is to thank the boss who has worked hard all year Subordinates throw a party, sing songs, give the boss souvenirs and a couple of extra smiles
The idea was quickly picked up almost all over the world Canada, Australia, South Africa, Europe celebrate Boss Day every year The holiday came to Russia thanks to the magazine “General Director”, which declared September 28 as General Director Day
Often the work of managers is devalued in the eyes of their subordinates They mistakenly believe that there is nothing difficult about signing documents, negotiating and asking the secretary to make another cup of coffee
In fact, being a CEO is a stressful job If subordinates, in most cases, have a fixed work schedule, usually from 9 to 1800, then the boss works almost around the clock Even without being in the office, he solves production issues
What are the daily responsibilities of a director?1 Stimulating and motivating employees2 Budget management3 Search for investors, partners, clients4 Competent investment of funds and securities5 Development of projects aimed at optimizing the company's budget, reducing expenses, increasing profits6 Negotiating on existing projects
Not only the profit and success of the company, but also the fate of all those who work in the organization depend on the effectiveness of the manager
In order to successfully manage a company, you must have a number of internal qualities, without which it is impossible to be a leader in a team: 1 Communication skills Communicating a lot and about everything with different people, and at the same time not stopping to smile is not an easy task2 Stress resistance Logically, people with a weakened psyche find it difficult to control someone other than themselves3 The ability to isolate the main thing Separating the wheat from the chaff is a talent4 Self confidence If you don’t believe in yourself, no one will5 Energy and endurance Considering the 24/7 work schedule, a manager cannot do without a large supply of vitality
All these qualities may be innate, but most managers regularly resort to personal growth training
On September 28, directors of large companies gather at conferences and forums, where they share experiences, negotiate, and find new partners Small companies conduct seminars, organize corporate events, organize field trips, and team games
Bosses are given souvenirs, themed gifts, formal bouquets and greeting cards, both paper and virtual