Night is a time of day that attracts people with its mystery For some, the yellow disk of the moon evokes thoughts of witches flying on broomsticks and horrors with zombies, and for others - about exits to the astral plane Lucid dreaming is practiced by stalkers, or oneironauts During the day, they make plans for their travels on the astral plane and agree to meet under the cover of darkness in other worlds
Stalkers easily maintain a state of awareness, demonstrating volitional control, controlling events and even entering other people's dreams In the morning, the oneironauts discuss the same plots of their travels along the astral plane, where they met at night In honor of this ability to relax and have fun in the dark, a holiday was established September 15th is Dream Coincidence Day
The astral world attracts the attention of not only stalkers The theme of oneironauts' travels is played out in the plots of books that have become bestsellers and in Hollywood films The drama “Erased Reality” with Sharon Stone, the thrillers “The Cell” with Jennifer Lopez and “Vanilla Sky” with Tom Cruise were filmed about the manipulation of dreams Christopher Nolan's film Inception, in which an experienced swindler steals secrets from people's subconscious minds at night, received an Oscar in four categories in 2011
Recurring dreams, often nightmares, in most cases are a consequence of post-traumatic syndrome, alcohol intoxication and mental disorders After a night of torment, a person wakes up in the morning completely broken and unrested Patients with various sleep disorders, of which there are more than 90 types today, are assisted by a somnologist In Europe and the USA, this area of clinical medicine is called sleep medicine
Specialists in regressive hypnosis also help people get rid of intrusive dreams They put patients into an altered state of consciousness and force them to remember traumatic moments from their youth, childhood and even past lives The self-absorption technique helps to find the roots of the problem, process negativity in order to get rid of recurring dreams and nightmares If a person is not hypnotizable, sleepers are involved in the process These sensitives tune in to the patient and plunge into a trance instead of him, fulfilling the assigned tasks: to penetrate the most remote corners of someone else's memory and extract useful information from there
Physiologists and neuroscientists study the ability of people to control their consciousness during a night's sleep To study this phenomenon, Stephen Labege of Stanford University founded the Institute of Lucid Dreaming in 1987 It not only held lectures and seminars, but also created devices for astral travel of oneironauts
To monitor the feelings of stalkers, sensors were used that recorded indicators of activity of the brain and the whole body As a result of observations, it was found that the body and central nervous system reacted to dream events as if they occurred in ordinary life Descriptions of the experience of establishing control over “elusive reality” formed the basis for the dissertations of Stephen Labege and some of the participants in his experiments
Scientific research into lucid dreams is over 40 years old, but it has not brought much benefit to practical medicine However, this fact does not in any way affect those who like to travel on the astral plane and make dates with other like-minded people there An unusual holiday - Dream Coincidence Day - invites you to discuss the techniques available to sleepers and the results obtained in the process of using them