The Battle of Navarino, which took place on October 8, 1827 in the bay of the Ionian Sea, was won thanks to the Russian squadron led by Rear Admiral LP Heyden and captain 1st rank MP Lazarev The commanders had wisdom, experience, courage and strategic thinking, which played a decisive role in the destruction of the Turkish-Egyptian armada The battle in Navarino Bay, located on the southwestern coast of the Peloponnese Peninsula, and the victory in it is the finest hour of the Russian fleet In honor of the historical event, the Day of the Commander of a surface, submarine and air ship of the Russian Navy was established The holiday is celebrated annually on October 8th
To the squadron under the leadership of LP Heyden included 4 cannon battleships and 4 frigates In total, 466 guns were installed on “Ezekiel”, “Azov”, “Alexander Nevsky”, “Gangut”, “Provorny”, “Konstantin”, “Castor” and “Elena” English and French squadrons fought on the side of the Russian fleet The Ottomans, under the leadership of Mogarem Bey, had more than 60 ships and were no less well armed In addition, they initially had a good position, which allowed them to hide in the bay behind the fortress and coastal batteries The poor training of the Turkish-Egyptian crews, in contrast to the Allied fleet, was one of the reasons for the defeat of the Ottomans
On October 8, 1827, English, French and Russian ships entered Navarino Bay The first to fall under the crushing blow were the British frigates with the flagship Asia "Azov" came to his rescue under the command of the intrepid captain Lazarev, turning the enemy's attention to himself The ship's crew had to fight alone with 5 enemy ships Thanks to the Azov, which received 1,800 hits, 7 of them below the waterline, 5 enemy ships were sunk
The crushing battle between the Allied armada and the Ottomans lasted for several hours The Turkish fleet, despite stubborn resistance, was destroyed The ship "Gangut" under the command of AP distinguished itself in the battle Avinova, "Ezekiel" and other sea vessels of the Russian squadron For military exploits, the ship "Azov" was awarded the St George flag and pennant Commander of the Russian squadron LP Heyden was awarded the rank of vice admiral and the Order of St George, III degree In the battle, the lieutenant, later known as Admiral PS, showed himself heroically Nakhimov, midshipman VI Istomin and midshipman VA Kornilov
The decision to establish the Day of the Commander of a Surface, Submarine and Aircraft was made in 2007 on the basis of Decree No 506 of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy Veterans, generals and other members of the public organization "Admirals Club" petitioned for the appearance of a memorial date in the calendar In modern Russia, the Navy includes aviation units Therefore, on September 8, commanders of both submarines and surface ships, as well as aircraft, are honored