In our country, All-Russian Conscript Day is celebrated on November 15, based on a 1992 decree signed by former Russian President Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin
Conscripts are male representatives between the ages of 18 and 27 who are subject to conscription for military service in the Armed Forces
Conscription is carried out twice a year, namely in spring and autumn According to Russian legislation, conscripts must undergo a full medical examination If he has health problems that do not allow him to serve in the army, then he is no longer considered a conscript
The draft includes not only a medical examination, but also attendance at meetings of the draft commission After this, the conscript needs to arrive at the commissariat, from where he will be sent to a military unit
It is worth recalling that at this time conscription is carried out for one year (until 2008, the period of military service in the Armed Forces was 2 years)
On this holiday, thematic events are held throughout the country In Moscow, you can see how future soldiers gather on Poklonnaya Hill, a company of honor guard performs, and soldiers of a reconnaissance company demonstrate hand-to-hand combat techniques All this raises the morale of future soldiers, they have a desire to serve the Fatherland with dignity After the military show, capital conscripts have the opportunity to listen to the stories of war veterans about the victories of the Russian army, visit weapons exhibitions, military museums, mini-excursions to units and places where battles took place
The main goal of creating the solemn event “All-Russian Conscript Day” can be called improving patriotic development and education for modern youth, which makes service in the armed forces more and more prestigious In many countries of the world, citizens of the country are required to undergo military service, because the country must have an army ready for military action when the need arises to defend the country from enemies