There are many unusual, humorous and amazing holidays Among them, it is worth noting October 13 - Falling Trees Day Perhaps many people have not even heard of the existence of such a holiday, which is not surprising It appeared relatively recently It is still not known for certain who exactly decided to establish it Most likely, this is a truly popular idea, so it is impossible to establish the exact name of the author or authors
This holiday is widespread mainly in Russia, but it is also celebrated in the Asian region It is known that, for example, residents of China are also interested in it By the way, this is not at all surprising The fact is that trees falling asleep and preparing for a long hibernation are quite compatible with the Chinese philosophy of pacification Traditionally, it is in the religions of the Asian region that much attention is paid to the spirits of nature This is typical, for example, of Shintoism in Japan, Buddhism, Confucianism and other areas This holiday has also taken root in Russia, since many people find something poetic and touching in the coming autumn It’s like a harbinger of a small, temporary death, bringing a slight sadness But next spring the trees will definitely come to life again, and everything in this world will repeat itself all over again, as it has been happening for tens of thousands of years That is why some call the Day of Falling Trees not just entertaining and comic, but also philosophical And some see a slight sadness in it
There are no clear instructions on how exactly this day should be celebrated Since the holiday is relatively new and unusual, it is necessary to celebrate it as creatively as possible It is known that some creative people, for example, artists, photographers, poets and simply people with a fine mental organization prefer to spend this time in parks and squares, on the banks of reservoirs, watching how red, yellow, brown leaves slowly float across the water Of course, a lot depends on the weather that day In many regions, October is already considered a rather stormy month with a lot of precipitation and winds Therefore, not all people have the opportunity to go to nature, to the forest, to the park on this day, in order to wish the trees a peaceful winter sleep in their hearts
By the way, this day is not ignored by ecologists and representatives of organizations in one way or another connected with the protection of flora and fauna On October 13, why not think about how fragile the natural world is and how much it depends on humans? It is known that every year our relatively small planet irreversibly loses 26 million hectares of forests The area is comparable to the territory of Great Britain! If human activity continues at the same pace, then the Day of Falling Trees will indeed turn out to be very sad for our descendants But for now you can celebrate it the way you want, that is, depending on your mood Perhaps, on October 13, someone, on the contrary, will want to have as much fun as possible by having a picnic in nature, among the trees, with family and friends
Some organizations have dedicated some environmental or charitable events to coincide with October 13th Already a classic can be called such useful measures as planting trees in disaster zones to prevent landslides In addition, it is quite possible to spend a cleanup day by going to the nearest forest or park area It has already become a good tradition to combine good rest, festive fun and helping nature, animals, and the environment