Internet, interclub, interval, intersputnik and intersex have similar roots, but mean different concepts The meaning of all words from the list is clear, except for the last one Intersex is the English term for a condition that for centuries doctors called hermaphroditism A person with this diagnosis has DNA faults, which results in a combination of characteristics of both sexes in the body Intersex People's Day is celebrated annually on October 26th The holiday and events held in its honor are aimed against concealing information about hermaphrodites and operations on the genitals of children with this genetic anomaly
Gender self-determination is a popular trend in recent decades Less than 05% of the world's total population are intersex people, that is, those who have male and female genitalia However, hermaphrodites, like gays and transvestites, believe that in modern society their rights are regularly violated Intersex Awareness Day is celebrated on October 26 - the date of the celebration is tied to the demonstration of intersex people that took place in Boston in 1996 Many countries and their governments heeded the calls of movement activists Thus, in Germany since 2013, and a little later in Austria, children with hermaphroditism began to be registered as “citizens of undetermined gender” In Russia, a child’s gender identity is determined on a case-by-case basis by doctors after analyzing the anomaly
The name of the disease comes from the name of the son of the ancient Greek gods Hermes and Aphrodite - Hermaphrodite According to the myth, a young man in love with a nymph asked his father and mother to unite them together in one body Hermaphrodites, in addition to the special physiological structure of the genitals, are often in internal discord with themselves, cannot have children, and suffer from a lack of personal life Therefore, in Russia, doctors faced with this anomaly - pediatric endocrinologists, surgeons, radiologists, geneticists, urologists - hold consultations and make decisions in the first days of the baby’s life about surgical intervention
In this case, the patient, due to his young age, does not have psychological problems associated with gender realization, which complicates operations in adulthood Some hermaphrodites, as a result of timely surgical intervention performed in infancy, manage to regain reproductive function Therefore, intersex activists' claims about "harmful cosmetic surgery for children" are highly controversial
There are true and false heromaphroditicism In the first case, signs of pathology are visible from birth, in the second - not A person produces only one type of hormone, and this becomes obvious during puberty For example, girls do not start menstruation, breasts do not grow, while the voice becomes rough, and male-type body hair is observed Modern medicine is able to help such patients if they decide which gender they belong to Many intersex people, if the chromosomal abnormality is not accompanied by mental disorders, adapt to life in society even better than a person with conspicuous defects - for example, lameness or strabismus
The topic of hermaphrodite living organisms is discussed in the school biology course for the 7th grade, and people - in anatomy for the 8th grade It cannot be said that information about the presence of people with this pathology is hidden, and the chromosomal malfunction is poorly studied by science Intersex People's Day, like other holidays related to the definition of a person, what gender he belongs to, are aimed at replacing the concepts of “norm” and “anomaly” With any disease, a person experiences moral and physical suffering, and hermaphroditism is no exception Intersex people need medical and psychological help, not the popularization of DNA failure, PR of hermaphroditism during Intersex Awareness Day and the recognition of pathology as the norm