There are holidays that are completely young by historical standards Mention of them 50 years ago could only cause bewilderment Such dates include Graphic Designer Day In Russia, this innovation is celebrated on September 9, starting in 2005 And the very definition of the specialty appeared only in 1964 at the first international congress on graphic design
The basis for choosing the Russian date was the anniversary of the leading graphic designer Vladimir Borisovich Chaika The master of design began his creativity at the Applied Graphics Workshop of the Moscow Art Foundation Chaika gained wide fame through his collaboration with the elite magazine Advertising during the Soviet Union An astonishing fact of the growth in demand for the magazine during the period of its design by Vladimir Borisovich was recorded; the publication had to be increased from 20 to 80 thousand copies The 1988 magazine cover received international recognition at the Graphic Design Biennale in the Czech city of Brno and was awarded a Silver Medal This event became an impetus for young talents, first throughout the USSR, and then in the post-Soviet space Further participation in European and Russian festivals only confirmed the extraordinary talent and high professionalism of the master
The profession of a graphic designer involves the production of printed products, including labels, industrial packaging and trademarks As well as the development of advertising banners and banners, information boards, and banners A huge part of graphic activity is related to the media, film and television industries
Today, representatives of design graphics are increasingly being introduced into the world of digital technologies, because it is in this area that visual messages are most in demand as a means of mass communication But in addition to the informational component, the work must also contain a semantic load, high aesthetics, and a creative and ideological touch Professionals combine photography with fine art and the capabilities of graphic digital editors
It is obvious that this activity is in a phase of rapid development; graphic specialists are in demand more than ever I'm glad that they have a day on which all leading achievements will be mentioned and appreciated