November 14 is Endocrinologist Day, which for obvious reasons is combined with a day dedicated to the fight against diabetes This is a special disease that is directly related to disruption of the endocrine system, so these two informational occasions are celebrated together The World Health Organization (WHO) proposed celebrating Endocrinologist Day back in 1991 The initiative was supported by organizations involved in diabetes research and treatment The situation itself pushed for this, since it is known that the number of people with diabetes and other serious problems with the endocrine system has increased rapidly in recent years, exceeding 500 million people in the world
Yes, it cannot be said that this is a classic holiday, because numerous international organizations use it, rather, as an occasion to tell people about the seriousness of diseases of the endocrine system And, of course, this date is celebrated among doctors working in this field It’s interesting, but it so happens that mostly endocrinologists are women The vast majority of specialists working in this segment of healthcare are representatives of the fair sex Sometimes international organizations mark this day with charity events designed to raise money for research into diseases associated with disorders of the endocrine system In addition, funds are being collected to treat people and prevent diseases
It is known that the treatment of many diseases in this area is very complex, expensive and not always effective This is often due to insufficient funds allocated by the state for research in this area and support for sick people In many countries, patients with serious endocrine system disorders receive free medications, but, unfortunately, this is not possible everywhere Also in Russia, complaints from people periodically appear in the media about the inability to receive expensive medicine on time, although such a norm is enshrined in law
Traditionally, on this day it is customary to attract active public attention to this problem, to increase public awareness of ways to prevent serious diseases of the endocrine system, and primarily diabetes And, of course, medical professionals who have conscientiously performed their duties for many years are awarded Sometimes some sporting or recreational events are planned for November 14th
And, of course, Endocrinologist Day and numerous commercial organizations that sell products aimed at making life easier for people suffering from diseases associated with disruption of the endocrine system did not ignore it There are no strict rules or regulations regarding how this day should be celebrated, but according to established tradition, charitable and informative events are held on a large scale
The historical aspect is also necessarily touched upon Thus, it is known that the world began to change dramatically from the moment the Canadian scientist Banting and his colleagues managed to isolate the hormone insulin in its pure form This ultimately saved the lives of millions of people around the world Endocrinology is a whole science that studies the work of the endocrine glands, which are known to produce vital hormones In addition, scientists are studying numerous diseases associated with insufficient production of hormones in the human body