In 1864, Alexander II carried out judicial reform in Russia, during which the institute of bailiffs was founded Without significant changes, it existed until 1917 and after the Bolsheviks came to power it was abolished on November 24, 1917 by the corresponding Decree of the Council of People's Commissars From that moment on, judicial institutions were dissolved, and bailiffs were replaced by bailiffs
After the collapse of the USSR and the advent of a market economy, the number of mutual debts increased and a large number of defrauded investors appeared The emergence of these problems revealed the inefficiency of the system of work of bailiffs, which resulted in the entry into force of the Federal Law “On Enforcement Proceedings” and “On Bailiffs” on November 6, 1997
According to these legislative acts, the FSPP (Federal Bailiff Service) of Russia today is a federal executive body, and the main functions assigned to it include:
• ensuring the functioning of courts in accordance with the legally established procedure;
• proper execution of court decisions, as well as acts of other government agencies and officials;
• supervision and control in a certain area of activity, incl law enforcement functions
At the same time, every citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of 20, who has a secondary or higher education and has business, personal qualities and health conditions that allow them to perform official duties with a high degree of efficiency can become a bailiff
Every year since 2009, November 1 is celebrated as Bailiff Day in the Russian Federation It was this date that was determined by Decree of the President of Russia No 1019 of September 8, 2009 “On the establishment of Bailiff Day”
All employees of the FSSP of the Russian Federation traditionally accept congratulations from management, relatives and friends on their professional holiday On this day, it has already become a good tradition to hold solemn festive events, during which employees who are just entering the service take an oath Also on this day, state and departmental awards are awarded to particularly distinguished employees