Black and white photographs and films have a special aesthetics; they attract viewers with an inexplicable mystery and magic A monochrome image gives greater expressiveness to people’s appearance, imparts deep meaning to life’s stories, making them part of a contrasting world November 10 is a fun and nostalgic holiday - Black and White Film Day
Getting to know old paintings allows you to enjoy the image captured on film without being distracted by the riot of colors and special effects of color cinema Black and white films were longer than modern blockbusters and carried a greater meaning The directors thoughtfully and slowly approached the filming of films - they looked for a suitable location, meticulously selected actors, rehearsed and filmed many takes of scenes if the artistic sense required it The process of creating a black and white film and the resulting result are indisputable evidence that cinema is rightfully considered one of the art forms
Few modern directors, cameramen and actors can convey the palette of feelings and create on the screen a special atmosphere inherent in black and white films of the past The top 50 best films of all time include “City Lights” with C Chaplin in the title role, “Casablanca” with H Bogart and I Bergman, “Citizen Kane” directed by O Wells, “Rashomon” by A Kurosawa and "Dolce Vita" by F Fellini "Roman Holiday" with the sophisticated Audrey Hepburn, filmed in 1953, and "Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf" (1966) with the inimitable Elizabeth Taylor are included in the register of films that have special cultural, historical and aesthetic significance
“My life, cinema, black and white cinema! I love your light and darkness - old spectator, I am ready to take any place in the cramped ranks of yours,” Andrei Mironov sang The lack of color and special effects in old films is more than compensated by the catchy dialogue of the actors and sometimes unexpected plot developments Black and white cinema is a world of halftones, understatement and visual perfection It contains an amount of color and emotion that is not always found in color films All scenes in black and white films were filmed as moving pictures In each frame, all the laws of composition inherent in fine art are observed But unlike artists, directors and cameramen of black-and-white cinema observed the laws of composition in motion
Directors often resort to monochrome images when filming historical films and documentaries Such masterpieces as “Schindler’s List”, “Good Night and Good Luck” and “Ed Wood” owe their popularity among the public and professional awards not least to their black-and-white visuals This retrospective technique helps to achieve the desired psychological effect and concentrate the viewer’s attention on the idea of the story
Monochrome paintings are not inferior to color ones in depth of meaning and imagery To watch old films, you need to be patient - not every viewer can handle a lot of static scenes and the slow development of the plot Therefore, only true connoisseurs of cinema celebrate November 10 as Black and White Cinema Day