Since 2010, the Republic of Kazakhstan has been celebrating another significant day December 6 is an annual holiday - the day of the prosecutor's office
The Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan is more than 90 years old This body was formed in 1936 At the same time, Kazakhstan became an autonomous republic within the USSR Playing a leading role in improving the well-being of society, the prosecutor's office is the most important body enshrined in the Constitution of the country
In 1992, by resolution of the session of the Kazakh SSR, the Regulations on prosecutorial supervision were created and developed Thanks to these documents, the prosecutor's office within the independent Republic of Kazakhstan began to act on behalf of the state
The Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the personification of strength and justice within the framework of government activities and policies of the country
The Concept, adopted in 2010, reflecting the actions of the legal policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, acts as the core of the law enforcement system This status defines responsibilities that include coordination of existing law enforcement systems Elimination of violations prescribed in the legislation of the republic in the shortest possible time is the main goal of the prosecutor’s office
Young specialists gain experience and knowledge not only within the walls of universities, but also in the process of work, from fellow veterans of the service The history and practical skills of dealing with violations are passed on from one generation of colleagues to another
What happens on the sixth of December? How do employees of the prosecutor's office and the entire republic celebrate the holiday? On this day, the most responsible, the strongest and bravest, those who are not afraid to show their skills and knowledge while working in the prosecutor’s office are awarded In the republic itself, on the day of the prosecutor’s office, festive events are held: concerts are organized, memorable speeches are given, representatives of the older generation meet and share their experiences with newly arrived young employees