The day of eternally living chaos is one of the most unusual holidays It is unknown who invented it and when, but every year more and more people in the world want to celebrate it On this day, it is worth thinking about the fact that chaos is an integral part of our lives He personifies everything that is unsystematic and unknown, that which cannot be put into the usual framework This is the antithesis of orderliness Chaos is scary, but only by accepting and coming to terms with it can you go beyond your usual boundaries and learn or create something new
Chaos and order are the two extremes that exist in our world The order is more familiar, more reliable and clearer, it seems safe This is something that we are all taught to observe from childhood Following the rules, acting in accordance with pre-developed schemes - all this is important and necessary But without chaos, innovation, creative and fundamentally new solutions are impossible Moreover, it is a part of our life After all, you can’t control the whole world around you; something always happens differently than planned, gets out of control
Friedrich Nietzsche also said that in order to “give birth to a dancing star,” you need to have chaos within yourself And all those people who annually celebrate November 9th as the day of ever-living chaos agree with him They know that disorder is necessary for inspiration, breakthrough, innovation Sometimes only by mixing all the colors can you see new ways to solve problems In this way, it is possible to find a way out even of those situations that previously seemed absolutely dead-end The ability to step away from the pattern is an indispensable skill in our time
The world is always changed by extraordinary individuals who are able to abandon stereotypical behavior and thinking People of old times understood this too So the ancient Greeks were already familiar with the concept of chaos They considered it a formless and borderless space It was from this space, brought to a certain order, that our world was created, in their opinion Thus everything material is based on order But disorder contains an infinite number of ideas
A day of ever-living chaos is a good reason to step out of your comfort zone For those who are ready to change, it can become a real impetus for self-realization and unlocking their potential On this day you need to move away from the usual pattern and try to do something new For example, just making a mess in your own apartment This will help you look at your things from a different perspective, arrange them more conveniently, or simply throw out a lot of junk Changes are also possible in your wardrobe, environment, and career