One of the most read and famous books in the world is the Old Testament and the Gospel For thousands of years, the postulates of the Bible have determined the way of life of entire peoples and states They swore on the book in court and during marriage, took it to the battlefield, and swore allegiance to the Fatherland Expressions from the Bible have become aphorisms, the origin of which many of us have no idea about: “Bury talent in the ground”, “The voice of one crying in the wilderness”, “Do not cast pearls before swine”, “Beat swords into ploughshares”, etc In honor of the Book of Books a holiday was established International Bible Day is celebrated annually on the last Sunday of November
The International Day of the Bible was first celebrated in 2014 The initiator of the celebration was the Bible Association of the United States of America Despite the fact that the Old Testament was written in the XV-IV centuries BC, it is the most read book in the USA and several other countries of the world Therefore, the mandatory presence of a Bible on the bedside table in a hotel room is the gold standard that the American hotel industry adhered to until the early 2000s
The holiday is dedicated to the Book of Books, which consists of two parts - the Holy Scriptures and the Gospel They were originally written partly in Hebrew and partly in ancient Greek Today the Bible has been translated into most languages of the world and is accessible to 90% of the world's population The celebration of International Day of the Bible, as conceived by the founders of the celebration, should include the reading by believers of their favorite stories from the Pentateuch and the New Testament Traditionally, this happens at 12 noon on the last Sunday in November
The Old Testament describes the story of the creation of the world and other earthly events that occurred before the birth of Jesus The Holy Scriptures are the central book in Judaism and Christianity Jews in their worldly life rely on the first five parts of the Bible, ie Tanakh written by Moses, and other religious sources The Torah, given by God to the prophets, is also the holy book for Muslims Orthodox and Catholics include them in the Old Testament as canonical, ie approved by the church, and non-canonical books Therefore, World Bible Day is celebrated by representatives of several religious denominations
Myths and religious dogmas from both parts of the Testament are the subject of close study not only by representatives of the church and theologians, but also by scientists of other directions Thus, thanks to the Bible, historians restore the chronology of past events and learn unknown facts from the life of ancient peoples Archaeologists use stories from the Holy Scriptures during excavations and other research Based on the Sermon on the Mount, sociologists draw conclusions about the moral standards that guided human society 2 thousand years ago
The Book of Books is fraught with many mysteries Russian emigrant scientist, Harvard graduate, agnostic and atheist Ivan Panin, who researched at the beginning of the twentieth century The Bible and the numerological coincidences in it, as a result he became a believer and was baptized She had a great influence on the minds of other scientists Thus, the physiologist I Pavlov, despite the scope of his activity, was a deeply religious person M Faraday and B Pascal, N Copernicus and F Bacon, I Newton and G Galileo believed in God
International Day of the Bible cannot be called a celebration celebrated only by adherents of Abrahamic religions International Bible Day is a holiday calling on people to pay tribute to the history of religious faiths and humanity in general