On October 20, 1961, the International Federation of Air Traffic Controllers Associations, IFATCA, was organized in Amsterdam Since then, every year, air traffic controllers around the globe have their own professional holiday In Russia it is called International Air Traffic Controller Day
Without iron eagles, moving around the globe would be very difficult Thanks to airplanes, thousands of passengers fly around the planet every day in a matter of hours And this parade is led by none other than the air traffic controller
The poet Dmitry Chemankov dedicated a wonderful poem to this difficult profession In his work, the author subtly noted that at any time of the year, at any time of the day, no matter what, an air traffic controller coordinates flights at the control panel
The first to realize the importance of the profession were the Dutch, who founded IFATCA in 1961 Over the years of its existence, the organization has introduced many renovations and productive ideas The work of a flight controller is not associated with risk, but at the same time the responsibility is enormous - he is responsible for people’s lives
During the flight, invisible to passengers, the pilot, under the control of the air traffic controller, performs many maneuvers: avoiding encounters with other airliners, avoiding turbulence zones, carefully avoiding areas with thunderstorm fronts In the event of an emergency on board an aircraft, it is the clear instructions of the air traffic controller that help overcome difficulties Throughout the flight, the air traffic controller protects the crew and passengers like a guardian angel
In addition to the knowledge necessary to coordinate flights, all dispatchers are excellent psychologists In an emergency, they must communicate competently with the pilot and crew, avoiding panic It is necessary to have a quick reaction and be able to make decisions in critical situations Stress resistance, high communication skills, the ability to see what is important are the qualities inherent in a flight director
Controllers are different, each is a professional in his field, and is entirely responsible for the diocese entrusted to him:• airfield point;• taxiing;• circle;• takeoff and landing;• regional center;• local airlines point;• local control center;• informant
The career path of a flight controller begins with the position of “trainee” and can end with the title of “head of airport air navigation service”
Aviation traffic coordinators often celebrate their professional holiday at the workplace with colleagues A traditional gift is themed souvenirs related to airliners and air transportation