One of the basic human needs has always been the need for security With the development of information technology, the pace of which cannot be stopped, the need for data protection has increased significantly
Information has long ceased to be just one of the sources of knowledge of the world around us This is a product that is bought and sold every day and hour Moreover, information data has become an indisputable and very dangerous weapon not only in a narrow circle, but also in maintaining and establishing world order There is even a separate holiday dedicated to specialists involved in data protection, called Information Protection Day It is celebrated annually on November 30th The history of the holiday goes back to 1988, when the first large-scale attack on confidential information resources was carried out
Then on November 2, the appearance and successful spread of a network worm was recorded, which disabled the work of thousands of Internet nodes in the United States The virus was later named the Morris worm, based on the name of its "parent" Robert Morris was at that time a graduate student in the Department of Computer Science at Cornell University) Hackers in their circles nicknamed him the “great worm”
The difficulty in detecting the virus was that it used good camouflage to hide its existence in the computer's operating system The "worm" deleted its source file and branched every three minutes
Damage from the virus was estimated at more than $96 million This incident clearly showed how dangerous it is to trust computer networks The culprit was punished with suspended detention and a fine of 10 thousand dollars Thanks to this attack, new computer security standards were tightened and written
Since that day, November 30, at the initiative of the Computer Equipment Association, annual international conferences have been held to discuss information security issues Experts never cease to remind that protecting information data primarily implies: 1 Mandatory installation of anti-virus programs 2 Installation of Firewall screens (firewalls) 3 Use of well-protected and complex passwords 4 Physical protection of information Compliance with security measures, proper storage of information data, compliance and maintenance of order in the storage of personal data is in the interests of each individual network user The Internet, even with the incredibly rapid development of ways to protect information resources, is not a safe place either for an individual or for global organizations as a whole